008 || Your Mother Grace

622 21 7

No . She refused to finish that thought.

Her arms wound tighter around Tsu'tey as she continued to sob, the cries being pulled unwillingly from her aching throat.


Her world was dark, quiet. Peaceful.

No longer could she hear the roar of the wind, the pounding of her heart, her own cries tearing through her throat. No longer did she feel that ever-present chill, the pain in her chest, in her lungs as they demanded air. No longer did she feel.

The quiet was so nice, so peaceful. She could stay like this forever, floating in the stillness, far away from all her hurt, her sorrows, her rejections.

But the quiet was too much, pressing down on her ears, making her head pound in pain.

She felt the stillness vanish around her, though she could reach out and cling to whatever would make her stop falling. Despite the dread filling her, she felt secure at the same time. She felt the wind rush past her like she was falling but the warmth of arms was around her, holding her close.

Her stomach swooped, telling her of the change in direction. She tried to tighten whatever hold she could get, but her hands were slack, unable to close around the arms holding her tight. She has lost the strength in her body, completely at the mercy of whatever held her so close it was achingly familiar.

Her throat still burned, eyes still felt puffy and crusted in dried tears, she still felt so stiff and yet felt like her bones had turned to liquid. She didn't like feeling like this.

The arms around her tightened, holding her impossibly closer. Then she felt the ground beneath her again, solid and affirming.

"Is she okay?"

That voice, so familiar, so soft, so worried. She didn't want the voice to sound like that. It's supposed to sound light, with joy and laughter, not heavy with concern and fear.

"She's going to be just fine, little one."

Another voice, as achingly familiar as the arms that had held her so close. It was deep and soothing, draping over her like a warm blanket. She tried to shift closer to the voice, but her body still felt so slack, her liquid/solid bones had turned to jelly/stone in her body.

"Where did you find her? I looked everywhere."

A third voice, sounding as worried as the first, so so worried. She hated it. There should never be worry in that voice, only happiness and the freedom that shined in their eyes.

There were more voices, far away, muffled. She felt her ear twitch as she tried to hear what they were saying, but the action only brought an ache to her head, pulsing and persistent. She felt her face twist in a grimace, even though she wasn't in control of her body. Her breath deepened as she tried to stave off the pain, hoping that if she calmed her suddenly racing heart she could make the hurt go away.

She felt her body shift, a solid warmth pressed against her front, little hairs tickling her nose. Her arm was lifted and placed across a little body, the tips of her fingers barely skimming against the heated skin. She felt little hands twist in the front of her shawl, as if though they thought she was going to slip away. A warm breath blew against the hollow of her throat, a cold nose pressing into her skin, a slim tail curling around her thigh.

(DISCONTINUED)Emrey- Survive || Avatar: The Way of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now