I thought you weren't flirting?

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                             Y/N'S POV:

"Hey" vini says kissing me on the cheek, he just got back from training and I was on the couch of his house

"Hey"  I say back with a smile

Our relationship was how do I say...very toxic.

It practically was set up by our parents and at first I hated it but then I actually caught feelings for him. That was until I realized what a shitty  boyfriend he is.

All he ever does is blame things on me when he doesn't get his way. He always try's to cause arguments, and he even accused me of cheating on him when I found him with a girl at a bar.

I keep trying to break up with him but all he ever does is gaslight me.

"Are you coming to my game tomorrow?" He asks

"Maybe" I say

"That's not what I wanted to hear, your supposed to say yes, your my girlfriend" he says coming up to me

"well I'm busy tomorrow I have a photoshoot, I'll see if I can go"

"Your still modeling? I thought I told you I don't feel comfortable with that"

"I'm not your property Vinicius, if I want to continue modeling I'll continue"  I said getting up

"Don't walk away from me"

"Just did" I said slamming the front door

We always start arguments over things that aren't a big deal.

I walked a few blocks just to clear my head. I usually find myself doing this, this relationship is so unhealthy.

Whenever we fight he buys something expensive like a bag or a necklace expecting that to fix the problem like if I can't buy that myself. I'm a high paid model, if I wanted something I'd buy it. I want love and affection not love by getting expensive gifts. 

When I arrived at my house there was a box on my kitchen counter

I opened it and inside there was a gold watch.

I roll my eyes and put it in the box along with all the other stuff he gives me

I usually donate them.

I sat on my bed alone with my thoughts

I hated living alone without anyone. I felt so lonely, yes I was in a relationship but you see how toxic it is. I'd get a dog but I have no time to watch after it.

I sigh and get up looking through my clothes

I'm not going to stay home and feel sad, I'm going out.

I called a few friends and headed to the club.

As soon as I got there my good friend Pedri was already at the bar flirting with some girl

"Y/n!" He says running to me

I hugged him and he hands me a drink

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