Chapter ???: He's Gone

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Chapter ???:

He's Gone

"Mom! How could you?!"

"How could I what? Give the maids and butlers a little break on their own for summer vacation?"

"Yes! Exactly that!"

Summer started a few days ago, and the Kaito's already decided a summer vacation plan. This plan included the Kaito's but no servants, and the thing was, they were leaving exactly tomorrow. I don't know where they were going, but it was obviously out of Tokyo, and Japan entirely. I didn't really like the idea much, not because I would miss Kazuki, but because I would be alone. Rin and Len were going to Kyoto to visit their entirely awesome cousins [believe me, they are awesome! I've met them before]. Mikuo was going to hang out at his friend's house in Osaka, not too far from Kyoto. My mom and dad? They were going ALL the way to Hokkaido to visit their siblings and cousins and all. So yeah, I was going to be left all alone. Hooray for me?

"Mom! You can't just-"

"Don't you think the maids and butlers need a break?!"

"Yeah, but-"

"And us! Can't we just have some family bonding?! I came all the way to your house expecting you to be happy when you heard this!" 

"Well, I guess you thought wrong!"

Kazuki was very upset of going away, very much likely because he'd miss me. He liked me in a way, he expressed it very casually. Ah, yes...He confessed to me once before, when we were about to leave for a trip with Meiko, Len, and Rin. "[sigh]" Kazuki and his mom fought a little more until Kazuki couldn't shout anymore and sat in the corner, holding his head in his hands. 

I stared at him a little blankly, I felt sorry for the guy. I guess Mrs. Kaito noticed I was staring because she spoke to me softly, so only I could hear her. "Minami, sweetie. You're a great maid and all, but you understand why we're going away for two weeks right?"

I didn't know the trip would be so long..."Yes, ma'am. I very well recognize what's going on."

"Thank you. But you see depressed Kazuki over there?"


"He's very much devastated with all this. He very much would hate to leave such a great girl like you in Tokyo alone. He may or may not have told you this, but he likes you very very much. With such a depressed attitude tomorrow, he can't move around, knowing he'd be leaving the love of his life."

Love of his life...Maybe a cover up. "Why me though? Why am the love of his life? I'm very ordinary."

"But you're quite special in his eyes, you know. When...When he was little, whenever he'd had broken a girl's heart, he'd rush up to me or call me, just- just complaining about the girl. 'She's not as rash or lovable like Minami, I had to.' is what he'd tell me whenever I asked what was wrong with the girl before."

I don't know if I did or not, but I think I may have blushed red, because my face heated up and Mrs. Kaito smiled.

"So tomorrow, right before we pick up Kazuki, I want you to give Kazuki, whether you like him or not, a big, big, happy 'I'll Miss You!' hug that'll blow 'im away! Maybe that he'll blush as red as a tomato. It may make him really miss you 10x then he already will, but atleast he'll be super duper happy!"

"Okay...I'll do it."

Mrs. Kaito smiled and got up, "Kazuki, your father and I will pick you and Meiko up at noon. Did you hear that?" Kazuki took a glance at his mom for a second and looked at the ground afterwards,"Yeah, yeah..." "Did you hear that Meiko?" Meiko who was also in the room, looked at her mom angrily, probably for the same reason, not wanting to leave her new butler, my brother, and said "Hmph! Whatever." and grouched to the couch. Kazuki's and Meiko's mother rolled her eyes at her grouched and depressed children, smiled a little as she glanced at me and Mikuo at the side, and went outside. 

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