December 21st

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Hey guys, sorry it's been like decades since I last posted something. I have stuff written I just never got a chance to edit it. Junior year has been a whole thing LMAO plus college sports recruiting and ACTs and all that good old school stuff that I'm bad at. Anyways, I'll try to put out a few chapters since I'm on break (if any of you are still here LOL)


"Sirius, get up." I pushed a cold hand off of my face and pulled the linen sheets above my entire head. Waking up early was not what winter break was for. "Sirius," the voice said again, this time with a bit more force.

"Go away," I replied, my voice muffling underneath the Potters' red and white covers.

"It's seven AM," James said as if that's supposed to mean something. James threw himself onto the bed next to me, as I pressed the blankets closer to my face. I wasn't about to lose my little warmth because James 'Earlybird' Potter thought seven AM was the perfect time to wake.

"Is Remus up yet?"

"No, obviously not. I don't want to get punched." James retorted. I groaned and pushed him toward the end of the bed, expecting to hear a thud of his head hitting the ground, yet it didn't come. Instead, he landed on his feet, in classic James style.

"Then why do I have to get up?"

"Cause you're in charge of waking up Remus." I quickly pulled the covers off my head and looked toward James, fake-betrayal filling in my eyes.

"Excuse me- what now?"

"Oh don't act surprised. He's least likely to kill you." James said, even though that was extremely debatable. There had been a time when it was my turn to wake Remus up and he had hit me with a book lying to his right. And it had hurt... badly. He hadn't even apologized for it either, he had just turned the other way and started snoring again.

James grabbed the covers and pulled them off of me, laughing as I curled myself into a ball to find heat. I groaned again, gesturing toward the wool jumper on the floor. James sighed and threw it at my head earning him an early-morning middle finger.

"Wow, so mean this morning."

"Shove off." I climbed out of the bed and sluggishly walked past him out of the door. This is what I get for sitting next to the scrawny kid with glasses during first year: seven AM wake-ups to sit and watch the snowfall. Someday I truly believed James just didn't need sleep to function.

"Is that Moony's jumper?" James yelled from my room. I nodded my head, not turning back toward him. "Do you think that'll make him angrier?"

I shrugged, "Maybe he'll smell himself and his wolf senses will have to protect me."

"That doesn't even make sense," James said. I could practically feel him rolling his eyes from behind me. I heard James make his way to the kitchen as I opened up Remus's door. It creaked open loudly and I winced, waiting for Remus to open his eyes. Nothing yet.

I continued forward.

Once I'd scanned the bed for books or anything else he could hit me with, I sat down next to him. He snored slightly and his legs were curled together over the covers.

What kind of psychopath sleeps with no covers?

I had to admit, he looked cute when he slept-- so undisturbed and peaceful. His dirty-blonde curls messily fallen slightly over his eyes and spread over his pillow. His skin was tan compared to my paleness and his height made his muscles look less intimidating. He'd always been nice to look at.

I tried to think of my tactic for today. I could wake him up slowly, which is usually what James does, or I could just jump on him. A small part of me wanted to wake him up by just rubbing my hands through his hair, massaging the gentle curls that covered his sleeping face. But the other part of me knew it wouldn't work well. I mean, he'd probably just fall back to sleep. In fact, I'd probably fall asleep too.

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