My boss is like a tree,
Much like a willow tree,
With the vines gripping me taking control,
So much so I feel like I'm held hostage and I can't help but love it,
Love it like life loves death,
Life loves death like its a drug,
A drug that's so tempting and addictive its hard to quit,
It's hard to get a grip of reality,
Though I'd rather not be in this reality at all,
I'd rather be anywhere but here,
So I quit my struggle,
My struggle to keep my life intact,
He is like the oxygen I breath,
Even though I can only breath when he let's me,
It's confusing because I don't know if he wants me dead or alive,
Most likely dead for my sins,
But alive for pleasure of torturing me,
Because he knows I can't escape this world,
This universe,
This reality I've been put in but I don't want to stay,
I'd rather be dead,
Be unconscious,
In a coma,
Heck immobile even,
Just so I wouldn't know what's outside today,
But he is my oxygen,
So as I go down without a struggle,
I remember.....
I remember my son,
My mom,
My dad,
and friends,
All telling me I should've taken that swan dive when I had the chance,
and then dark...
It goes dark and suddenly I hear the screams and cries of everyone around me,
and yet 2 stand out the most,
One says "MOMMY" in a crying tone,
The second says " you'll be ok mi amor",
and quiet,
My boss is a tree,
My willow tree,
My oxygen,
The love of my life,
He's my husband,
The only one other than my so I'd risk my life for,
and I did,
and as I go down into the darkness all I can hink about is my oxygen,
because they took my love and put it in the ground where it belongs,
right next to me....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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