Day my life was ruined

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All characters belong to j.k rowling except for my made up characters.
Hopes p.o.v
Hey my names Hope... Im an orphan and im eight years old. Ive been adopted a couple times and each time the person would rape and beat me than bring me back. I guess you can say my life sucks but if you want to know my story im going to have to start from the beginning. I dont remember much but i do remember a man in black robe and a blinding green light , then i was dropped off here at the orphanage. No one likes me very much because im different but you get used to being alone.I dont know if i had a family but if i did i hope theyre okay. The day i was dropped off here was the worst day of my life.
Im sitting in the basement waiting for Ms. Tanya to come untie me. Shes the care taker but she completly hates me. She always beats me and makes me clean. She dosnt even feed me. Im sitting here in the basement waiting for death. Ms. Tanya just finished hurting me and im hoping death will releave me of my pain. Out of nowhere theres a man in funny clothes with a long white beard and pretty blue eyes standing there. He takes one look at me and he starts to fuss. He explains a couple things to me like how im a witch and how he would be taking care of me from now on.
He flashes us out of the orphanage and then i black out.

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