034. versus harris & hana

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versus harris & hana
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ THIRTY FOUR!versus harris & hana  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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The atmosphere of the robot was awkward to say the least and that was Natalie being nice. She had no idea what to make of the situation. It felt like the team was barely holding on for dear life as it was on the verge of collapsing.

The team had lost almost half of their original members and they were down to only four members. Their inventor, Leo's location was unknown at the moment. Their mechanic, Mark, had been ousted from the team due to trust issues. Finally, there was Harris and Hana, who were having a good time playing poker with the enemy.

This left the few members to pick up the broken pieces, in order to save the world but that seemed almost impossible.

Right now, the three teens were sitting in the control centre. They were waiting on their leader/technopath, who would guide them on their next life saving mission.

"So, where are they?" Ryan questioned, upon entering the control centre.

"Well, according to the data that I pulled off this bad boy, Harper was secretly building greenhouses all over the world." Natalie explained.

"Also, he was thinking of proposing to your mom." Veracity added salt to the already open wound.

"Ew!" Ryan cringed in disgust.

"Over my dead body!" Spyder exclaimed suddenly, earning a few weird looks. "I'm sorry."

"Why greenhouses?" Ryan asked, shifting the conversation back to their enemy.

"After his monster apocalypse, he was gonna need a steady supply of food. This one......is in Brazil." Veracity explained.

"That makes sense. They could use the greenhouse to make the red bloom." Ryan nodded in confirmation. "Alright, plot a course."

"Don't you think leaving Mark behind is a bad idea?" Spyder asked.

"You not having a napkin, that's a bad idea." Natalie pointed out randomly to her boyfriend, who was currently indulging by having a vanilla ice cream cone. She feared of the mess he would make.

"Us leaving Mark behind is a great idea. He lied to us. We're supposed to be a team." Ryan pointed out. "Come on, V, back me up." He looked at the blonde.

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