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Tw Abuse

Man in a white clothing kicked a frigle boy in his stomach. The boy throwed up stomach acid as he didn't have any food to vomit with. The man picked boy by his hair what made him scream in pain and begg for him to put him down. The older male instead yelled to him to confess his sins. White head started to whine more and ask what does he mean what sins.

Older dragged him by the hair to another room that was probably the dining room, boy didn't now exacly for he was mostly in the basemant. White haired boy screamed from pain again then he got thrown onto the floor. After his eyes adjusted to the light he could see that in the room were a lot of children in various ages as well as other staff members of the orphanage. The big amount of people scared him a bit but he tried his best to stay calm.

"Atention kids"
White haired boy looked up at the man startled. The rest of people inside the room also lookes in their direction confused. A few kids scared.
"Does anyone of you is friends with Atsushi?"
He said in the most firm and intimidating voice it was posible. All the children started to look at each other in fear until one black haired boy lifted his shaky hand. The man looked at him worh crosed arms and asked if he was friends with Atsushi. Boy nodded slightly but quicly added.
"I- um not friends just... We talk sometimes"
Atsushi who was staring now at him as well looked very hurt for, the black haired boy that just said he just "talked" sometimes with him. Was his closest friends in this orpanage, or so he thought.
"Were you with him today?"
Black haired nodded.
"Then, can you admit that he didn't stole this candy?"
The older asked pulling out his hand and in it two starawberry candy. The boy's face seamed to lit up with fear. Because he recognized the two candy before.


Two boys were cleaning the storage room then the black haired one gasped loudly. The more fragile one with white hair looked in his direction in confusion asking what happened.
He said holding three pink candy in his dirty from cleaning the floor with just bare hands and a rag hands.
White haired gasped as well but soon cuted himself off and started to fidle with his hands.
"W-what are you going to d-do with this?"
He asked and sudenly second boy took one of his hand and placed something in it.
"Eat duh!! And you will do so too!"
He said cheerfully while other one looked into his hand and at what was placed in it. There he saw two candy.

"I gave you one more because you deserve it for being so cool! Actually you deserve all the coolest and sweetest sweets in the world! But... I don't have them hehe so for now this will need to do"
He said taking the white haired boy's other hand what made him blush a bit. Stuttering, the fragiler one thanked and put the sweets in his left shoe.


Loud voice of the headmaster made the black haired boy jump up a little. He looked at Atsushi's face that was now covered in tear stains eyes red and puffy he also has a bruise under his eye. Black haires boy wanted with all his heart to say that he didn't steal it and in fact he was the one that found the candy. But he knew that whatever the answer will be Atsushi will get beated up again anyway, and if he said that he found the candy then there was an posibility that the headmaster would do the samd to him as well. So the fear took over...
"He-I, yes... He stole it..."
Atsushi's face was in this moment not filed with fear of what might happen to him but more with a feeling of, betrayal? Yes he feelt betrayed, because he was.
From his thoughts took him out the headmaster by grabbing him by his hair once more. Almost immediantly Atsushi started to scream from pain and while being dragged tried to look at the person he took for a friend. Their eyes met and the black haired boy stretched out his hand to Atsushi, it looked like he was about to help him but got interupted by someone from the orpanage staff. They took his hand and started saying something that he needs to go somewhere. Then he turned his head again Atsushi was already gone.

Atsushi Ate Candy Where stories live. Discover now