(I) My Boys

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After the war things surprisingly went back to normal(ish). Sasuke had been pardoned, partly due to Naruto's close relationships with the other Kage and constant badgering of them to do so. He currently shared a nice 3 bedroom apartment with Naruto and Sakura. They'd all decided that since the village was still being rebuilt it'd be easier on the carpenters. Not to mention their pockets if they decided to live together instead of finding separate houses, which was damn near impossible since all the shinobi had returned from the war and the civilians were allowed back home. The poor carpenters couldn't keep up so, the shinobi took it upon themselves to help them out as much as possible. If they weren't on missions or training, they were helping with the reconstruction of their beloved village. Sakura actually thought it was nice to have Sasuke and Naruto under the same roof especially for those times when she just needed some company. Besides Sasuke constantly knocking Naruto upside the head for his messiness, it was pretty chill between the three of them, or at least as chill as anything can be with Naruto around. Her two best friends in the whole world walking around an apartment, shirtless, sweaty and super sexy all the time was freaking SWEET! 

To hell with anyone who judged those private thought. Best friends or not, Sakura appreciated a beautifully sculpted anatomy when she saw one. It didn't help that they seemed to have a vendetta against wearing shirts when they were safely in the house away from their fangirls. Speaking of those idiots, where were they? It was their monthly Friday bar night with the rest of their friends and Sakura needed some help putting her necklace on.

"Naruto-kun!", she shouted from her bedroom.

Walking out of her bedroom and down the hall to the living room, she hunted around to see if he was there.
"What!", he bellowed back from the kitchen with a mouth full of food.
"I need help putting on this necklace, so get out here and do it for me!"
"Kinda busy here! Make Sasuke do it. I want to finish this ramen before it gets soggy!"
"You suck!"

Before heading to Sasuke's room, Sakura pulled out the futon from their sectional in the living room. Apparently they always ended up passed out on it whenever they had their Friday night outings. They specifically bought the damn thing because waking up piled on top of each other like sardines was putting some serious strain on their backs.

"Oh Sasuke!", Sakura sang wheeling to head to his room. 

She faintly heard him grunt in acknowledgement so, Sakura walked right on in. Sasuke was shrugging into his black button up shirt that rested over a 'surprising' navy blue tank top that he obviously wore to show off that 8 pack. He wore navy blue straight legged jeans and of course his ninja sandals. He really hated the restrictions civilian shoes gave him. Around his neck, he wore the necklace of the Uchiwa fan Sakura brought him, making her smile.

"Once you're done ogling me, Sakura, you can tell me what you want ", he smirked over his shoulder.
"Shut up! I can stare all I want. I came in here so you could put this necklace on me. Naruto's being a fat douche and won't help me. Now that I think about it, that isn't such a bad thing since he normally mutilates the clasps with those humongous paws", Sakura pouted with a glare.
"Turn around harpy", he chuckled at her usual ranting. 

 She huffed indignantly but obliged, handing him the necklace over her shoulder. Sasuke swept the hair off her neck, tossing it over her left shoulder so it wouldn't get tangled in the necklace. It was hard to suppress her shudder as his smooth fingers ghosted over her neck and around the front, back to behind her neck.

"Done", he whispered against the shell of her ear.
"Better be on straight", she grumbled walking away without a backwards glance.
"You're not wearing that out", he snapped once he realized what she had on.
"Excuse me?", Sakura snapped wheeling to face him
"I am not getting into another brawl because of what you're wearing. Put on some real clothes or we're not going!"
"Oh come on Sasuke I'm 22! I think I have the right to wear what I want", she whined.
"Fuck no! We are not going out with you wearing that shit! We are not going to have a repeat of last time Sakura-chan!", Naruto snapped from the doorway.
"Please? Guys I'll behave this time I swear! I'll even stay by you all night I promise. I really don't want to change, this dress was really hard to get into", Sakura whined with her lips pouted adorably. 

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