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EVENTUALLY IRIS CAUGHT UP TO Seojun and demanded he return her cream to her as it had been for Suho, and though it took some talking and teasing on his end, he finally returned it. However, Iris didn't see Suho throughout the rest of the day. He didn't attend any of their classes or meet up with her at the end of the day as they usually did. It was as though he had disappeared into thin air.

Though Iris was disappointed, she just assumed that it had to do with him not feeling well or something instead of assuming the worst possible thing. However, she felt more worse the next morning when he was a no show as well. Though he had let her know beforehand that he'd be running late and that Iris could leave instead of waiting around for him, it didn't hurt any less.

Luckily for Iris though, she had left at a timing that allowed her to meet up with Naelea, Sua, Jugyeong and Soojin, who too were arriving from the bus. They were surprised to see the Kim girl without the Lee boy as they were always together one way or another, they were happy to see her and let her in on the events that had just taken place, which included Naelea and Soojin kicking some perverts butt for trying to take photos of Jugyeong.

Though Iris tried paying attention to her friends' words, she found her thoughts constantly drifting back to Suho, wondering about his well-being and why he was acting so distant suddenly. The topic was finally changed when Sua noticed her friends disinterested look, and they began discussing about blind dates.

Ever since the rumors about the love square Jugyeong, Iris, Suho and Seojun started, Jugyeong was hellbent on getting rid of them as soon as she could. So Sua suggested the idea of going on a blind date and finding a potential boyfriend. Though Jugyeong was hesitant with the idea, she quickly agreed once she thought back to the rumors and how much they were stressing her out.

Satisfied with the Lim girls answer, Sua suggested the same idea to Iris, seeing that she was pretty much going through the same thing as her. "What about you Iris. I know someone who would love to go out with you too."

Iris shook her head immediately, "I'm good. You know I'm not into the whole blind dating thing." she responded, but what she actually meant to say to Sua was,

You know, I like Suho.

Sua frowned, not happy with the answer she was getting. "Just give it a try, I'm sure you'll end up loving the guy." said retaliated, but what she really meant was,

This guy will treat you so much better than Suho.

"Well, it's just-" Before Iris could properly respond to her friends statement, a voice cut her off.

"Hey." when Iris looked up, she was shocked yet slightly happy to see that it was the same cute boy from yesterday.

"Hi." Iris shyly responded, ignoring her friends' lingering eyes. She knew they'd definitely have alot of questions for her to answer.

The boy smiled at her actions, clearly amused by them. "We actually met the other day. I'm Jaeon but most people call me Jae." he introduced and Iris laughed as she nodded her head in recognition of the boy.

"Yeah I remember you. I'm Iris." she responded.

When the atmosphere suddenly became quiet and a slight bit awkward, Jaeon spoke up as he pulled something out from his pockets. "You dropped this the other day when you were rushing away."

When Iris had a closer look at the item Jaeon was presenting her, she gasped. Looks like she hadn't lost her favorite pendant forever. "Oh my god. I thought I'd never find this again." she said as she took the necklace from his hands. "Thank you." she said with an appreciative look.

Jaeon nodded, responding with a 'no problem'. Just like that, the atmosphere became awkward again. Jaeon seemed to pick up on the shift in the brunettes demeanor. So not wanting to take up any more of her time, he decided to excuse himself with the hope that he'd see her around again now that they were kind of acquainted.

After they bidded eachother goodbye, Iris sighed wondering why she had suddenly gotten butterfly's in her stomach. It felt like she was going to throw up, but in a good way if that even made sense?

What was happening to her?

Before Iris could come up with a logical explanation for her feelings, her four friends turned to her with grins and glints of curiosity lingering in their eyes. "You've got alot of explaining to do!"

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate this chapter has not been edited yet. )


A/N: Guy's I'm not dead. I promise I've been alive, just been really busy with school and had to put the updates for this book on hold. But now that summer breaks out, you guys can expect more updates :)

Also sorry that this update was slightly shorter than the other ones, I promise that the story's going to pick up from here because the second lead has finally been introduced in the picture hehwh.

Also if it wasn't stated already, Suho witnessed Iris and Jaeons interaction. Saurr you can say our boy was jealous even though he's been treating our girl like shit for the past few chapters 😒

Anywayss Happy Sundayy!!

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