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16. Watching a movie 

"No Kepa, why put this film on. You know I hate scary films" you groaned as he had control of the Tv.

"Why? you know this is my favourite film" he bluntly replied as he snacked on his popcorn.

"Urgh" you mumbled under your breath as you hid your face with the sequined pillow.

"Get that out ya face" he pulled the pillow off of you. "Noooo, I am not watching it" you groaned once again.

"Oh fine. What shall we watch then? Because I can't be having you moaning all evening" he moaned as he handed you the remote control.

"Thanks" you laughed as you took the remote in your hand.

"Shall we have a rom-com? maybe you can realise how you can treat a woman" Kepa's head did a 180 degree turn as quickly as he could and watched as the smirk appeared on your face.

"How dare you, I know how to treat you. Just pick a movie, I fancy a nap through it" he cheekily stuck his tongue out.

"Urgh you are in such a sassy mood, I love it" you teased as you moved closer towards him as you snuggled together as you wrapped the blanket over him.

"Thank you" he whispered as you watched as he was getting right into the film. 

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