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Ty GodTierCake for the idea 😘

I'm gonna be honest, I don't read or write much omegaverse, so I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing or what logic this shit is. I'll give the general gist. If you've ever read omegaverse before, you would know the basics of omegaverse, but I like adding my own shit so yeah. Might be a tad bit different from the others.

Things to note:

Pheromones are a type of airborne chemical that is released by Alphas and Omega, and certain things can be communicated that way. They can also hold in their pheromones for long periods of time and it's kind of like holding your breath, but you don't die, it just feels suffocating as shit.

Suppressants are designed specifically for certain omegas (so they spend a fuckton of money on that shit, just shows how much the government cares about omegas), so using someone else's suppressants is discouraged and worked less efficiently.

Marking is a form of claiming that Alphas can do to omegas. It happens when an Alpha's teeth puncture and break the skin on the nape of an Omega, so I guess this is some sort of love-biting. If the Omega is already claimed by an Alpha, then they only belong to them, and this cannot be reversed.

Omegas produce slick (kind of like menstruation in a less bloody way...)

Betas don't release pheromones, nor can they sense them. They're just normal people lmfao. No heat. No pheromones. No rut.

Alphas use a different kind of suppressants from omegas and their rut is a bit different. Mainly the duration of their rut and its intensity.

Omegas go through heat once a month. (Crazy I know. I based it on menstruation.)

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