Chapter 13

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Harper stares in disbelief at the mark on her arm. Some higher power must really want her dead if it was willing to throw at her a stalker, an attempted murderer, a bounty, and now a zombie bite.

Maybe Dave or Aaron could collect the bounty money. Give some of it to Kye. Maybe he could use it to take care of Lily and the house. Oh, but Kye will want to go back to Yuki. Maybe he'd take the ghost with him. Or Aeron will let her come work for him. As long as the guys don't leave Lily alone again.

"Harper..." Lily moans as she anxiously bobs up and down in the space between Harper and the wall. " I don't want to live with the boys or work in Hell. I want to stay with you!"

Wait, did she say all that out loud? Crap. The venom might be moving faster than she thought it would.

" Hey, hey, it's okay," Harper says, trying to soothe the ghost. "I'm sure there is something We can do. Right, Alistair?"

The long-haired demon frowns as he crouches down to get a closer look at the wound. "Perhaps. But I would - "

" Hey!" A loud, angry voice emerges from the darkness off to the side of the house. "I don't know who you are or what you want, but you better get out of here before I call the police !"

" Don't call the police, Mr. Richardson! It is just me, Harper. Sorry to disturb you."

"Don't think I won't call the police on you too and report you for public intoxication, young lady!"

Oh for christ sake..."I'm not drunk," Harper spits out, choking back a groan of pain as the nerves in her arm start to feel like they are on fire. "I just tripped and hurt my arm. Going to it down before deciding if I need to go to the ER. Thanks for your concern though."

The old man scoffs, and Harper can imagine the look of disgust that was probably on his face. "Well, maybe you should look into getting some tests done while you are there. That's the third strange man to be on your property in the last two days. In my day women used to respect themselves more."

"Clearly they respected themselves enough to avoid marrying a jerk like you," Lily snaps. Her cheeks turn dark gray in anger as she floats over to the edge of the porch. "Only a woman with no self-esteem would even-"

"Lily," Harper cuts in sharply. "As much as I agree with you, stop talking to him. If we piss him off too much, he will call the police, and-" Harper pauses and glances down at her arm. The sight of red streaks spiraling out from the teeth marks made her heart clinch. Infection is already setting in. Pus is forming in the groove marks and the wound is radiating heat. "With how fast the virus is spreading, having any unexpected guests could lead to more infections, and I am not pissed off enough at the world to unleash the zombie apocalypse on it."

"Harper... Don't die." Lily drifts over and places her hand on the wound, sending a cooling sensation through the inflamed wound. Her eyes move to catch Alistar's. "Hey, new demon guy! You were going to tell us about something we could do, right? Like a cure or something?"

Alistair cocks his head to the side as he straightens and stares at Lily with a puzzled expression."Yes I was. But then the waste of a human inserted himself in our conversation.."

"...Oh my god, and? What is the cure? Like seriously, now is not the time for vague answers! I mean, I don't always understand what Aeron is saying to me, but at least he understands that emergencies need more than a 'yes, I was'. Like, what-"

"Maybe," Harper interrupts, glancing back at the neighbor's house. The silence from Mr. Richardson's place is very suspicious, and she finds herself praying that just once he decided he was better off just minding his own business. "Alistar might feel more comfortable explaining it to us once we are back in the house and things are a little more private."

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