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My back straightens as soon as I walk past the glass doors of the NASA headquarters. My feet protest. The "click-clack" of my heels sounds more like cackling.

I'm a woman of science, and I should've know my feet aren't compatible with these shoes. They've spent most of their lives kicked up on the coffee table.

Right as I enter my lab, I hear, "Hey, Dionne, I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure your spine isn't supposed to be bent like that."

I agree, but at least I'll close my exercise ring once I tumble down the stairs.

I close the door and lean slouch against it as I face my coworker, Cherry, who sits on my office chair.

"Help me," I rasp.

"Why are you wearing those ridiculous things?"

I bite my lip and sink into a stool across my desk.

"Oohhh... you're trying to doll up for lover boy?"

"Shh!" I wave my hands, hoping the blasphemous words don't reach Treyton, the six-foot, blue-eyed reason why I'm weak at the knees and ankles.

We've been working together for a year. He laughs at my jokes and compliments my work. I've never had the backbone to ask him out—not that I'll have a spine to speak of by the time I take these heels off.

"What are you doing in here, anyway?"

"I'm waiting for Kira. She said she wanted to show me the progress she made on her teleportation work." Her eyes drop to the panel on the glass wall, alerting that Kira has entered the premises. "Looks like Kira's here. See you later. Clank your heels twice if you need me."

She winks at me as she stands.


"By the way, here. You can get these devices over to the waste department." She pushes a tray of electronics across the table.

I grin from ear to ear. The waste department is past Treyton's office. He might get a glimpse of me in my heels.

"You know I'm always down to help a friend in need!"

"Take those things off or you're going to be down, period."

I groan, and she laughs. "Go get your prince in shining armor. Come see Kira and I later."

I snort. Trey wouldn't wear armor. He looks too good in his tailored suits. I pick up the tray and follow Cherry out. I walk slowly, adding a prep to my hips before realizing I must look injured.

I spot Kira as she turns the corner and wave at her. She waves back, saying, "I won't blame you if you take those off by lunch time."

"I'll admit defeat the day aliens show up."

She chuckles and goes about her day.

My heart jolts when I pass by Trey's office. The parted door reveals his neat desk and his handsome eyes staring right at me. I panic and look away, continuing my trek to the waste room. I curse myself as I set the tray down beside a cubed pile of recycled metal.

I should have planned better.


I straighten, recognizing that deep voice and faint cologne. I turn around and there he is, eyes as blue as my heels. Wearing a suit and not armor.

"Hey, Trey." I set a hand on the table, accidentally knocking something off the table. With a curse, I bend over to pick it up.

"Are you alright?"

The King  ✓ (Zolan Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now