Chapter 1~ Gavaldon

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Sophie and Agatha walked into the Library as per usual after school and were looking around. Looking for anything specific darlings?" The Librarian asked.

"Have you got any more fairy tales?" Sophie asked

"I'm afraid you have read them all Sophie," The Librarian said. Agatha looked at Sophie and they both laughed.

"Look at these three shelves" the librarian pointed to three big grand shelves to her left "you may find something you like in there you may like my loves"

Agatha and Sophie thanked her and went to look.

Sophie pulled out an old crusty book, it had a luscious velvet cover and gold embroidered on the front, 'The School For Good And Evil' from the shelf and glanced at it. "What's this about?" Sophie asked the librarian. The librarian peered over Sophie's shoulder. "Now that book..." The librarian started, she looked nervous. "Every four years two children are stolen away from their families and never return but graduate into fairy tales. One child goes into the evil school where they teach spells, curses and potions, in good they teach children how to be princes and princesses" the librarian stated "once a young girl Leonora of Gavaldon, was taken in the middle of the night to the school, the headmaster saw evil in her and brought her to the evil school to reach her full potential. No one has heard from her since"

Sophie left the library in shock. "I really want to go to the school for good Aggie!" Sophie said

"Oh it would be my dream, fancy gowns, having your own fairy tale, having princes and learning so much. How do you get in?" Sophie wondered

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" Agatha yelled. "Did you not hear the part 'you never return' or the story of leonora?" Agatha yelled

"Yes, but would you want to return when your in that position, oh i just can't stop thinking about the gowns, we could go together!"

"No, it's not real, just a story to scare the kids" Agatha said

That night Sophie sat at her desk writing to the school.

Dear The school for good and evil

My name is Sophie, Sophie of Gavaldon. I believe that i would be a really good student in the school of good, i love gowns and acting like a princess, this would be a really good chance to reach my full potential and to graduate as a fairy tale.

Sincerely Sophie from Gavaldon

Sophie sneaked out of her house and put it in the wishing tree, the wishing tree was where Sophie and Agatha first met when Sophie was mourning her mothers loss. They have their names engraved in the tree together as a sign of friendship.The next day was the same as usual, they went to school and when to the library. "Aggie, i wrote a letter to the school on why i should go there" Sophie whispered

"Oh god what did you do!" Agatha yelled. "Why on earth did you do that, you just wrecked your whole life Sophie!" 

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