Chapter - 9

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Nobody's POV:

"WAIT!, MINHOOO- COME BACK!!" Seungmin called continuously for Minho to return to him, he has been calling him for 1 minute straight (gay) but there was no sign of him. Seungmin sighed, "HYUNG!!! IM SORRY, PLEASE COME BACKKK? " he whined. And poof, Minho appeared in front of him, "and you said you would not call me hyung?" he smirked with satisfaction. Seungmin rolled his eyes, "well thats the only way i can think of to make you come back.." he mumbled.

"Mhm..well you are a brave soul, you probably already know im a vampire and you are acting like nothing happened this morning or the fact that i 'kidnapped' you. I can kill you right now you know that?" Minho said, but of course Seungmin on the other hand, "then do it" Seungmin was not afraid to say that. "Damn, who hurt you?" Minho looked surprised, "Obviously humans and a vampire" He replied. "Watch your words, and you haven't told me your name do what is it?" Minho asked, "Kim Seungmin, 21 years old. Oh yeah how old are you? Probably like 30 or something." Seungmin giggled. "YOU THINK I'M 30?! I'M 23 GET THAT RIGHT." Minho gasped and exclaimed, "well damn you are younger than i thought, " Seungmin said while laughing.


A/N: I'm gonna skip most parts so im gonna tell you what happened so you wont get confused.
Okay so Minho made a deal with Seungmin that if Seungmin becomes Minho's blood supply he will let him live at his house, i know, thats a shitty ass deal but you gotta keep up with it. Seungmin took awhile to think about it but he accepted anyways, and then Minho left Seungmin alone and went to go somewhere he had 'important business' to finish. I know this deal sounds like every vampire ffs.
Continuing with Seungmin POV...


Seungmin POV:

'Why does he keep leaving?!!' i thought to myself, of course it is annoying when someone leaves without informing. 'I cant believe i actually accepted that deal, but living here would be nice right? But the feeling when he bit me was...weird.' I thought once again.

I don't even have my phone with me because i lost it, i'm so bored i got nothing to do. And then i just decided to sit down on the bed and stare at the wall


Minho POV:

"What is wrong with you Minho!? You let a HUMAN live with you?" yelled my friend, Bangchan. "Well he can be my blood supply and i won't have to kill humans." I replied, "NO MINHO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. He can tell ANYONE about us vampires." Bangchan   hollered. "I can't do anything about it anymore, if i let him go he WILL tell someone, he has to be locked up in my house hyung." i said seriously. "Who said there wasn't a way?" Bangchan smirked like he had a horrible plan. "What do you mean there is a way?" i was confused, "you always have fun when killing others right? So why not kill him too," Bangchan replied. "I- yeah of course i will kill him, good idea hyung," i said but smiled slightly. "Alright Minho make sure to kill him by 2 months, i will go back to the palace." And in a second he dissapeared.

I stood alone in the forest thinking, 'Right i just need to kill him, that would be easy enough. I just need a pl-...' and thats when my eyes turned a dark shade of red. I was hungry, very hungry if my eyes are that dark. I need blood and i know the perfect person to go to.

Seungmin POV:

I was sitting down reading a that i found in the room, the book was looking very old and dusty but that's all i can do to keep myself entertained.

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