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A/n: took me a bit to figure out what to do for this chapter, I have a fair idea.

I think.



"So...what now?" Isagi asked him.

"Depends...did you still want to join the soccer club?" Hyo asked.

Isagi stared up at the roof as the were walking, contemplating, they seem as if they wouldn't even pass the ball to him, he might pass on it.

"Eh..." Isagi shrugged.

"Well...I'll take that as a maybe." Hyo shrugged.

And because Isagi was walking while looking at the roof, he didn't see if anyone was infront of him, he bumped into someone. Hyo caught Isagi before he could tumble back and stared at the person now on the ground staring at the 2 of them.

"Oh...sorry." Isagi said offering his hand to the white haired.

The white haired stared at his hand before taking it and standing up.

"It's fine..." He replied, rather tiredly as he looked at his phone checking if their were any cracks, thankfully not.

Before Hyo and Isagi could carry on walking, they heard a distant faint voice, a male one, screaming out someone's name, before they knew it, a purple haired completely tackled the white haired onto the floor.

"Well, he'd be good in rugby." Hyo pointed at the purple haired, Isagi just stared at Hyo making him confused.

"Nagi! Where were you??" The purple hair asked.

"Ah..Reo....I arrived at school late..." He sweatdropped sitting up and checking his phone again, it still didn't have any cracks, lucky him.

"This late-??" Reo asked getting off him.

"No..I don't remember actually." Nagi shrugged.

Hyo and Isagi looked at each other wondering what to do now before they heard Reo speak to them.

"Who are you 2?" He asked standing up also helping Nagi up.

"Oh, uh...I'm Hyo!" Hyo waved and stared at Isagi who was spacing off.

"This is Isagi." He pointed to Isagi who snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name.

"I see..." Reo nodded his head, looking at them as if he were observing them.

Hyo looked at Isagi basically telling him he wants to go now, because it was getting awkward with Reo just eyeing the both of them. Isagi awkwardly stood there before just grabbing Hyo's arm.

"We'll...leave now." Isagi mumbled awkwardly making Nagi look up from his phone.

"Wait, are yous the one from that one soccer team that had no losses?" Reo asked pointing at the 2.

Isagi looked at Hyo and back at Reo and nodded his head.

"I thought so, did yous join the soccer team?" Reo asked.

"No." Isagi responded.

Reo looked a bit surprise by that, Nagi, was concentrated back on his phone.

"I guess that's fair, some of the boys on the team aren't easy to get along with." Reo shrugged.

"Like Rin." Reo sighed.

"Rin?" Hyo asked.

"Itoshi Rin?" Isagi asked.

"I think so? Could be wrong." Reo shrugged.

Isagi shrugged, Hyo actually had no clue who this Rin person was.

"Itoshi Rin is his name yes." Nagi nodded.

They all stared at him.

"Okay so Isagi was correct." Hyo nodded.

"Let's see...who else." Reo contemplated.

"His brother...is worse." Reo mumbled softly.

"But then again, they are at each other's throats all the time." Reo shrugged.

Isagi and Hyo nodded their heads, Hyo did not want to bump into them when at school.

"Anyways, what club are yous going to join?" Reo asked the 2.

Isagi shrugged.

"We might still join the soccer club, we just aren't really sure." Hyo asked.

"Oh, well then maybe we should join together! I was going to force Nagi to join the soccer club with me so I wasn't alone. Plus he has some good skills." Reo explained with a smile.

"Maybe we should!" Hyo nodded.

Hyo and Reo exchanged socials as they said goodbye. Isagi and Hyo we're heading to Isagis house, since Hyos parents are barely ever home due to work, he basically lives at Isagis house.

"What's for dinner tonight Isagi?" Hyo asked pulling his phone out.

"Hmm...not so sure actually." Isagi shrugged.

Isagi jumped when he felt someone tap his shoulder, him and Hyo both looked behind them to see who it was.

"Yous were the one at the soccer club, right?"






A/n: e

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