Candice Peters

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It was a brisk Monday morning at the Lancaster precinct. Iyana had just stepped into her office,coffee in hand. "I work so much, I might as well live in this damn office."Iyana muttered. "Well if you did that I'm sure your family would miss you Ms.Cortez." Caption Hues stated as he shut the door to Iyana's office. "Caption, what can I help you with?" Iyana said in a sarcastic tone. The caption plops a brown folder on Iyana's desk. "I have a new case for you to be the lead on, missing teenage girl, last seen walking to school." "Parents say she never came home, and the school states she never made it."

Iyana opens the folder, "Candice Peters, only 16 years old." Candice shakes her head with sympathy in her eyes. "I wish I could catch every monster that preys on the innocent children". She slams her fist on her desk. "I feel the same way detective Cortez, that's why I picked you for this case." "I know you will get the answers and close this case, hopefully we can bring the girl home safe." Caption Hues walks towards the door "Remember ever second counts, I need you to head over to the parent home and do some canvassing of the area. Detective Council will be working with you." The door shuts, Iyana spins around in her office chair to glance out the window.  Cloud's form the sky "Today is going to be a messy ass day".

Iyana reaches for her coat and head into the main area. "Yo! KENDRICK LETS GO!! Iyana yells to catch detective Council's attention.  "Let me grab some coffee and a donut, I'll meet you at the car". Detective council heads to the launch room. " Look just stick to what we talked about, nobody is going to find out anything". Detective Council over hears two officers talking. He steps back not to be seen out of curiosity. "We did everything we had to do to make sure we are good". "Nobody is going to find out anything, JUST CALM DOWN CARL!!." Kendrick tried to peek around to see if he can get a clear view of the cops faces without being seen. He decides to just walk in and grab his coffee. "Hey fellas! How are y'all doing this muggy Monday?"

Kendrick takes a bite of his donut. "Good morning detective, everything is pretty good, just getting our work day started". Officer Kimble answers with a stutter. "Well that's great, you guys be safe out there today." Kendrick heads out the door but makes a mental note. "All right let's get this show on the road." Kendrick signals as he jumps into the car. "Let's go I guess." Iyana replies and pulls off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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