3. The journey to cloud recesses

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Heyyy😘 should i update every Monday and Friday? If so comment so that i know😊 anyways here is a early chapter,have fun reading 😋✌️

That night Lan Zhan Slept in Wei Ying's room, and Wei Ying not so surprisingly had slept peacefully, with no nightmares like that afternoon. The next morning, they woke up, and Wei Ying left with Lan Zhan to cloud recesses. They both stuck together threw out the whole day, Lan Zhan not letting Wei Ying out of his sight, and when he did, he would just pull him back by the waist. And those details didn't go past Lan Xichen, who was walking behind him with a couple of other disciples behind him. He was happy tho, for the longest time, his little brother was the most antisocial introvert and never spoke or made friends with anyone, so seing him now have a friend was refreshing to see, and he was happy that Lan Zhan was happy. And he also didn't miss how much Lan Zhan cared about the younger, and how that care was reciprocated by Wei Ying.

They had been traveling all day and had now found an inn to rest in, so they got rooms for everyone, and the other disciples were shocked to see Lan Zhan requesting to room with Wei Ying." Since when does Hanguang Jun even interact with young master Wei?". Asked one of the disciples to his friend. That question didn't go unheard by Lan Xichen, who turned around and scolded them for breaking the rules of no talking behind people's backs. They all settled down and it was now time to sleep, and after walking the whole day, everyone was tired including Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. They both layed down, Wei Ying in one bed and Lan Zhan in another nit to far away.

<✨ Magical time skip to a couple hours later✨>

Wei Ying had woken up in cold sweats, breathing heavily. He had had a nightmare but he had woken up shortly after it stared, wich relieved him but only for a short time, as he started to recall all of the things that the Wen's did to him. He started trembling, shaking in his bed, letting out silent tears as he remembered the torture he went thru. Lan Zhan on the other hand, stirred in his bed, sensing that something was wrong. He sat up in his bed and looked over at where Wei Ying should have been laying in, sleeping. But instead he saw Wei Ying hugging his knees, crying.

He quickly got up and went to him, next to his bed. He put his hand on Wei Ying's shoulder, trying to see what was wrong." Wei Ying, what's wrong?". He asked, worry visible in his eyes." Lan Zhan?". He called out, not even flinching as he felt the older's hand in his shoulder. Lan Zhan didn't even say anything to understand that he had had a nightmare, so he sat kneeled down infront of him and pulled him into his arms, hugging him, trying to comfort him. Wei Ying instantly wrapped his arms around the older's neck, hugging him back." Wei Ying, i'm here". He said as he started to stroke his hair, calming the younger down in the process." I'm sorry I-i didn't mean to wake you up". He said, feeling guilty for ruining the young jade's sleep." Wei Ying is more important". He said, not even thinking of sleep in such a moment.

They stayed there, on the floor, hugging each other without saying a word until Lan Noticed that Wei Ying had fallen asleep. He gently picked him up and layed him on the bed, deciding to lay next to him, to get some sleep as well. After some consideration, Lan Zhan finally put an arm around the younger's waist and let himself fall asleep, making sure to be able to protect Wei Ying from nightmares. That night, they both slept peacefully, relaxing in each other's presence.

The next morning came, Wei Ying was surprisingly the first to wake up out of the two, noticing that Lan Zhan's arm was around him, he felt a warm feeling come over him, making him feel relaxed and peacfull, as if he didn't have a care in the world. He felt what he hadn't felt in a long time, he felt safe, he felt safe in Lan Zhan's arms. The thought made him slightly blush, realizing just how close they were to each other at the moment. He also realized just how much he had missed the older during his time with the Wens, he really had missed him a lot, and that made him think. ' did Lan Zhan miss me too?'. As he thought that tho, Lan Zhan started to move around, making Wei Ying startled, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep. Fir some reason, he felt nervous to see Lan Zhan after last night, and also the fact that the other was hugging him, wether in purpose of in his sleep, he did t know what the other would say if he woke up to see Wei Ying already awake.

He knew it was stupid to be worried around Lan Zhan, considering the immense sens of safety that he felt when he was around but he couldn't help it. To his surprise, instead of pushing him off like he thought he would do, the older simply laid there, and then started to stroke his hair like he had last night, wich relaxed Wei Ying, and the all the bad thoughts going away. He didn't realize he was hugging Lan Zhan tighter until Lan Zhan spoke." Good morning". He said as the slightest smile could be seen in his face, wich made Wei Ying smile wide at him." Good morning Lan Zhan". He answered. They both layed in bed until they had to get up and continue they journey to the cloud recesses.

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