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So for some reason it wont let me put in music but the song Cole is singing is "I do adore" by Mindy Gledhill :]

It was a warm summer day in Ninjago with the sun shining high in the sky, the birds chirping and fluffy clouds drifting slowly with the breeze.

On this particular day if you were to take a walk in the small forest near the Monestery of Spinjitzu, you would have had a chance to hear the elemental master of earth gently strumming his guitar under a tree, humming along to the sweet tune.

After a while the soft humming turned into singing, the lyrics went along the lines of;

Everything you do, it sends me
Higher than the moon with every
Twinkle in your eye
You strike a match that lights my heart on fire.

And it was true. Cole was singing about a certain fire master, who might have been cocky and might have used up half a container of hairgel every day, he still managed to always bring a smile to the raven haired boy's face.

When you're near, I hide my blushing face
And trip on my shoelaces
Grace just isn't my forté
But it brings me to my knees when you say:

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?
I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do, I do adore.

We're as different as can be
I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed
And I'm overly uptight
We balance out each other nicely.

You wear sandals in the snow
In mid-July, I still feel cold
We're opposites in every way
But I can't resist it when you say:

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?
I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do, I do adore.

Although Cole really tried to hide his ever-growing crush on his fellow teammate, it was getting harder each day as even the smallest things like talking to Kai, or even being alone in a room with him became a fight with his inner gayness.

Finding words, I mutter
Tongue-tied, twisted
Foot in mouth, I start to stutter
Ha, ha, Heaven help me..

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?
I fall into a pile on the floor
Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing you do, I do adore.

As the song came to an end, the master of earth couldn't help but smile to himself as he thought about all the small moments he shares with Kai.

Spending all night in front of the TV playing video games or watching movies, comforting eachother when one of them wakes up from a nightmare, messing around in the rain or just hanging out in the park.

These are the things that made Cole fall harder than he did when he fell off the Destiny's Bounty while they were fighting against the Oni.

Sure, he has had a small crush on him all the way back when they first met but overtime that teeny-tiny, insignificant crush has grown.. Larger.

Im not even sure if i can even call it a crush at this point, it was more like..

He was hopelessly in love.

But the daydreaming was cut short when Cole felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He picked the device up, seeing the notification from the group chat.


Zaptrap: Guys Wu wants to speak with us

FIYAH: Not again 👁👄👁

Green🐉: Be right there

Cole pocketed his phone and got up from the soft grass, gently swinging his guitar over his shoulder.

He made his way back to the Monestery, wondering what Sensei Wu wanted to tell them. Before he knew it he was back home, setting his guitar down by the door, as he was too lazy to bring it upstairs to his room.

Soon enough, the master of earth found himself in the living room, surrounding a table with the map of Ninjago on it with his fellow teammates.

And sure, he should of have listened to Master Wu explaining their mission, but he was too busy staring at the spiky haired boy across from him.

The way his eyebrows furrowed as he focused on what the old man said, the way his gi hugged his curves, the way his hair looked so soft even after he dumped half a container of hair gel on it, and his eyes..

Oh First Spinjitzu Master, his eyes...

The slight sparkle as the lights hit the amber color, which seems like its constantly burning with a wild fire inside. Cole felt like he could get lost in them forever and maybe even longer.

But right before he could do so, he was snapped back to reality by a blue-sleeved hand waving in front of him.

"Hello? Earth to Cole?? " Jay asked before he began violently shaking the raven haired boy. "YOU THERE BUDDY??? "

Cole pushed the master of lightning away, stammering for a moment. "Holy cheesecake Jay, calm down! You nearly turned my brain into a milkshake! "

"Well if you would actually pay attention instead of making goo-goo eyes at Kai, maybe i wouldn't of had to shake you back from wherever the world you were mentally! " the freckled one snapped at the other, causing warmth to spread troughout his cheeks.

"I- I wasn't making goo-goo eyes! I just.. Zoned out and i accidentaly ended up looking at Kai. " Cole huffed crossing his arms, his face as red as a tomato.

"Yeah sure whatever. Do you even have a slight idea of what Master Wu said? " Jay scoffed.

"Yeah! Of course i do! He said something about uh.. " The boy in the black gi paused for a moment. "Your mom" he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Yeah sure, really funny Cole" The master of lightning looked like he wanted to strangle the other. "I'll just explain on the way, come on Romeo" he said as he began dragging the taller one out of the room, following behind the other ninja.

(Lovely time skip 😍)

"So let me get this straight. Master Wu wants us to snatch a crystal with unknown power, from an ancient temple, surrounded by traps, in the middle of the jungle? " Cole asked trough his comms, pressing his foot on the gas as the engine of his vehicle roared underneath him.

"Yup. That pretty much sums it up. Should be easy right? " Lloyd answered.

"According to my calculations there is a 78% chance of every one of us making it out without a scratch. " our beloved nindroid informed his teammates.

"And what about the other 22%?" Jay questioned.

"I'm guessing we might find that out." Kai responded as the ninja stopped their vehicles in front of the jungle, too dense to be traveled on anything but foot.

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