dare 26

144 3 2

I know that tfa normally means transformers animated, but in this chapter it means transformers armada. 

Me: Okay, let's do this. *teleports them to the tfa universe* 

Tfa Optimus: Who are you? 

Tfp Optimus: I am Optimus Prime, who are you?

Tfa Optimus: I'm not falling for your tricks Megatron, I am Optimus Prime. 

Tfa Megatron: What are you talking about Optimus? This is no trick of mine. 

Tfp Megatron: We're probably in another universe again. 

Thrust: Impossible, the multiverse theory is impossible. 

Tfa Megatron: Shut it traitor, there is a big chance that he's right. 

Tfp Megatron: I am Megatron, and I assume you are Megatron as well? 

Tfa Megatron: That is correct

Megatrons: *start laughing together* 

Optimus Primes: *start discussing about what is acceptable to sacrifice to gain peace*

Thrust: Unicron won't like this at all. 

Knockout: Imagine serving Unicron, he will get rid of you eventually. 

Thrust and Knockout: *start arguing* 

Ratchet: Which one of you is the medic? 

Red Alert: That would be me, is there something wrong?

Ratchet: I was wondering if you know any way to make a broken voice box. 

Red Alert: I unfortunatly don't know any way, sorry. 

Ratchet: It's fine, I'll just keep looking. 

Bumblebee: :;How fast can you go Hot Shot?;: 

Hot Shot: I can go really fast, wanna test it? 

Bumblebee: :;Sure.;:

Sideswipe: Can I join? 

Bumblebee: :;Sure;: 

Hot Shot, Sideswipe and Bumblebee: *leave to go racing* 

Tfa Starscream: So you betray Megatron on a daily basis?!

Tfp Starscream: Yes it is quite annoying that he doesn't die, but tell me why would you sacrifice yourself? 

Scavenger: *watching them* I guess that some are totally different. 

Jetfire: Hello there beautiful.

Arcee: Don't. Even. Try. I'll kill you if you do. 

Jetfire: Sorry? 

Arcee: You better be... 

Tfp Wheeljack: You betrayed the Autobots?! 

Tfa Wheeljack: I had good reasons, they abandoned me. 

Tfp Wheeljack: Stil... 

Bulkhead: Jackie calm down. 

Tfp Wheeljack: I'm calm Bulk, I just can't believe it. 

Blurr: I don't think that you should start arguing about this. 

Wheeljacks: We won't. 

Miko: So your name is Alexis and you convinced Starscream to join the Autobots?! 

Alexis: Yeah, that's pretty much it. 

Miko: That's so cool! Tell me all about it! 

Alexis: Sure. *Stars telling about how she and Starscream met* 

Raf: That skateboard is so cool! 

Carlos: Thanks, but it's actually a minicon. 

Raf: Even cooler! 

Carlos: Want to ride it? 

Raf: Sure! 

Cyclonus: Does anyone else agree with me that Soundwave is really really creepy. 

Breakdown: I agree with you, but at least he's loyal and gets the job done. 

Demolisher: Yeah, I guess that's what matters. 

Soundwave: You do know - that - I can - hear - you - right? 

Tidalwave: We knew that!

Soundwave: Right....

Jack: So you're Rad right?

Rad: Yep, that's me, and if I'm correct you're Jack? 

Jack: Yep....

Rad: So.....

Jack: Yeah.........

Rad: I can show you around if you want. 

Jack: Sure, why not. 

Tfp Smokescreen: You can't drive fast?!

Tfa Smokescreen: No? 

Tfp Smokescreen: That must be so terrible. 

Tfa Smokescreen: My alt-mode is usefull in  other situations. 

Tfp Smokescreen: Such as? 

Tfa Smokescreen: When there is digging to be done and other construction things. 

Tfp Smokescreen: Boring!

Me: Okay, time's up. *teleports them back to their own universe* Hope you all enjoyed and have a nice day. 

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