A Brotherly Halloween

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"You look like you've seen a ghost!" Sandy exclaims as she approaches me.

"I... I think I have? I'm not entirely sure?" I say responding to the shorter girl. Her costume is probably the cutest I've seen all night: she's dressed as the smallest kind of fox, a Vulpes Zerda (A fennec fox). She's managed to create custom, big fluffy ears that tone match her sandy-coloured hair with a matching fluffy tail. As well she's put on some makeup to complete the look, her outfit though – a plain beige crop-top, half-zipped up hood, and a pair of green jeans. A miniature red hiking bag is hanging off her back – already I can hear sweets rustling in the bag.

"What do you mean?" She asks as we start walking

"Do you remember my brother, the dead one?"

"Jacob? Yeah, he was so sweet. Such a shame he went like that, what a cruel way to take a young life!" she replies, shouting the last bit to the blackened sky, earning us a look from a group of mums across the street. Jacob died two years ago, he was 22, and died by a lightning strike while he was climbing a tree. What he was doing? God knows.

"Here's the thing, a man walked past me while I was waiting for you – he looked about 24-"

"So?" Sandy interrupts while trying to turn into the next house

"His costume? Struck by lightning. His hair colour? Same as mine, light brown. His eye colour? Same as Dad's, Hazel. Jacob had both! It was so scary I thought it was him!" I stress as the two of us walk up the pumpkin littered drive.

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, just a coincdonk!" she says carefreely, we pause at the door, Sandy rings the doorbell and shouts 'Trick or Treat!' at the top of her lungs. The door opens to a brown haired, hazel eyed, mid-twenties man holding a bowl of Haribo's. His lips part as he looks at the two of us before forming 7 frightening words: "Happy Halloween Sandy, You too Little Sister!"

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