Him (20)

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Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red."- Kait

He's here, Cole is here in this classroom.

My heart starts beating fast as if it was going to jump out of my chest. That's how I feel in the inside but on the outside I have a straight face.

When it comes to coleson you can't really show emotion, he feeds off that.

He's the devil, with him you got to be careful.

"Please have a seat" the teacher says to him, he nods and takes a seat two seats in front of me.

He turns around to me and waves with an innocent smile on his face, i keep a straight face.

He knows me too well, i turn away from him and he turns back around.

Evelyn holds my hand all throughout class making me feel safe and secure. Lana on my other side, I'm thankful to have them both.

Once the bell rings we quickly leave the classroom, both girls by my side as always.

I look back to make sure he isn't following us.

He isn't.

I look forwards again, this period before lunch I have it with no one.

We go our separate ways after the girls reassures me that I'll be okay.

I walk in and sit at my desk in the back, kids fill out the room one by one.

Soon the last bell rings and the teacher walks in with him again, my heart starts beating fast as I realize I don't have any of my friends with me.

I see him and the teacher talking, they look over at me and he gives me a smirk and nods as the teacher says something to him.

When they are done, coleson starts walking my way.

My hands feel sweaty and my heart is beating faster than before now that he's actually closer.

"Hi stells" he whispers as he sits down, i turn my body away from him.

I hear him chuckle at my movement, he scoots next to me and whispers into my ear "i won't hurt you, unless you make me"

A lump starts to grow in my throat, I'm about to cry. I can feel those invisible barbed wires tightening around my neck.

I hold back my tears, he can't see me like this and he won't.

He sits back into his seat as the teacher starts talking. My phone went off, it was on my table.

Before I had the chance to reach out for it, he had already gotten to it.

"Hmm looks like your new little boyfriend texted you" he says sounding a little mad "but it's okay, I'll forgive you for cheating on me"

My heart stops.

I look at him, "I didn't cheat on you!" I whisper to him, he looks hurt.

"Yes you did, I told you I was going to come back for you" he says, "and now I'm back for you"

I stay quiet, i don't want to make him even more mad.

The bell rings and class is over, I quickly get up getting my stuff in the process and leave.

Outside the room I see Mason waiting for me.

I speed walk to him and fall into his arms.

He hugs me back tightly "you're okay baby" he whispers into my ear.

I let go of him just as Coleson walks out, Mason gives him a scary glare which Coleson returns.

Mason and I walk off to the lunch room, almost all students are already in here.

Mason holds my hand as we walk to our table to our friends.

"Hey guys!" Mason says getting their attention.

"Hi Mason" the girls greet back, "where's Noah and Blake?" Lana asked. Mason shrugged his shoulders.

We sit down and go into conversation.

Lunch goes by quickly, Noah and Blake did show up eventually.

Now it's time for class. Me and lana share this class together.

We walk together.

"How are you so far?" She asked, I don't respond right away.

"I think I'm okay" i say, "we have third period together though"

She looks at me "are you okay? He didn't try to hurt you right?" She asked concerned.

I shake my head no, I don't tell her about our conversation.

We walk in and sit in the back like always.

Class starts but i zone the teacher out and let myself get lost in my thoughts.

Half way through class, I have the urge to go to the bathroom.

I raise my hand up "can I use the restroom?" The teacher nods.

I walk the halls quietly, it's empty and eerie.

I feel like someone is watching me but I know I'm being paranoid. I rush to the restroom.

Once I'm in I go into the stall and do my business.

As I'm washing my hands, the door opens and I don't think much of it until I hear his voice.

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