The day I met Him.

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I had visions in my dreams, wondering who could be my next lover. My heart began to skip a beat, every night when I sleep I always see him. Looking at me with those beautiful eyes, his eyes glared at my boobs, and him kissing me as I taste shit on his tongue. My goodness, I need this man in my life.

My alarm went off, it's 5AM. I woke up all alone, I was sweaty than ever. "Here we go again." I said. I got up and changed my clothes, I grabbed my backpack and headed to my car. I drove all the way to Planet Fitness while nobody's around, as I headed inside there were a few people inside already.

I was overwhelmed because I perfer to do my workouts alone. I began to do my stretches and my cardio while I was there. I have a mindset to focus on myself and only on myself. I'm glad I left my ex partner, he had an affair with Dreamy Bull.

After my workout, I headed inside to the locker room. As I changed my clothes I hear something in the distance. I quickly got changed and put on deodorant and I followed the sound where it was heading too. It lead me to the bathroom stalls, and I opened the stall door and inside is when I found the love of my life.

My eyes widen by his beauty, his eyes, lips, hair, and everything. I am impressed how someone like him could be so handsome and beautiful at the same time. He glared at me, and started screaming and panicking. I grabbed his arm, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frightened you!" I said softly. He looked at me with those sweet puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help myself, I need this man in my life. He is everything that I ever want in my life. He keeps staring at me, as he slowly put his hands onto my ass. He slowly leaned in, I didn't know what to do. My heart was skipping a few beats, then it happened. He. Kissed. Me.

My eyes even widened more, he slowly pulled away. I held onto him so tightly "Pl-Please don't leave..." I said desperately. I was shaking at this point, I have never felt this close with anyone. I only just met him in a Planet Fitness bathroom but, he changes it all. "I won't princess." He winked at me, I blushed when he called my that cute silly nickname. It makes me feel loved. "What's your name?" I looked into his eyes deeply. "Daniel, Daniel Larson." I smiled widely, somewhat it turned me on. "How about you, what's yours?" he asked. "Y/N. It's nice to see you Daniel." He chuckled, "You too Y/N. Take care." I smiled at him, as he lets me go.

My heart was racing, pounding, and infact I was also creaming. As I headed out of Planet Fitness, there was a note on my car. It was his phone number! I was so happy, I put the note in a safe place and I began driving home while thinking about him. There is so many words I want to say to him, but for now he is the love of my life. The guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I love you, Daniel Larson.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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