𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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Narrator's POV

Monday. It's probably safe to say that 99.99% of people hate Mondays. Students have to get up early for school, parents have to fight with their kids to wake them up, make them breakfast, and head to work early, even the birds probably have to wake up earlier to follow everyone's schedule.

Choi Juyeon was no exception to that rule. Mondays were a nightmare, especially after her late nights during the weekend. Though Juyeon was a fairly responsible student during the week, she became totally unhinged during the weekends. Rarely eating anything green, staying in the darkness of her room all day to watch anime, staying up past 2am for the same reason. She didn't mind this lifestyle though. The only downside was that she was extra tired when Monday came around. It gave her more reasons to complain in the morning, dragging her black and white high top converse to school.

At least, she had her best friend, Eunbi, to walk with her every morning. Indeed, the two girls lived three houses apart, their parents having been best friends since before their birth. It was kind of the running gag that Eunbi's mom only decided to have a kid because Juyeon's mom had a kid and they wanted their kids to be best friends. If that was the case, their parents' plan had worked because they had been best friends since they were toddlers.

This Monday morning, both girls missed their toddler days. Those days were so simple. Get up, get dressed, go to daycare, play with Legos, eat lunch, go home, play outside, eat supper, read a bedtime story and sleep. Back then, choosing what to wear was the most dreaded part of the day whereas now, exams and homework took up most of their waking hours. If you wanted to actually have a life, you had to accept the fact that you'd turn in assignments late and get a bad grade. Ugh, how childhood days were fun. To think that kids are excited to be older and be in high school, and high school students just want to go back to being kids again.

Walking to school, arms linked, the best friends told each other their dreams. Well, one of them talked and one listened. Whereas Eunbi dreamt crazy dreams almost every night, Juyeon had trouble even falling asleep in the first place.

"And then, I fell down a cliff, but I didn't really fall, I was like gently floating down, and when I landed on the ground, it suddenly became mud, but the mud was-" "KIM EUNBI! If you keep talking so much and walking so slow, we're gonna be late for school! Hurry your ass up!!" Juyeon interrupted her.

As both the girls ran for their lives, they passed a group of seven boys knows as the campus heartbreakers, or Enhypen. They payed no attention to the two best friends, continuing to talk amongst themselves. All seven guys had a very distinct laugh, seemingly getting deeper and deeper from left to right. Indeed, the boy completely to the left, Kim Sunoo, had a fairly high pitched laugh, covering his mouth like a gossiping teenage girl, his eyes forming cute crescents. To the right of the group, Nishimura Riki, the tallest of them all, also had the deepest laugh. When he found something funny, not only did his face tense up and his smile illuminated his features, but his whole body seemingly shook and he bent down from laughter.

Juyeon noticed nothing of this, not the least bit interested in that group of heartbreakers. Eunbi on the other hand always lost her focus when she saw them, no different from every single girl and even many boys in Eil High School.

Words: 627

A/N I'll try to make longer chapters from now on, sorry for this short one, I'm just getting started! I hope you're enjoying so far!

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