𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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Narrator's POV

Finally arriving in school, with four minutes left until the beginning of class, Juyeon ran to her locker, leaving Eunbi at her locker closer to the entrance of the school. Sadly, the eldest girl's locker was at the other end of the hallway, adding some time to travel from her locker to the classroom. At least, she told herself, she would stay in shape easily.

Although she told herself this, she really didn't need to exercise. Yes, it's good to stay in shape, but Juyeon was already very much in shape, having that hourglass figure and slim face that everyone dreamt of. Though she really didn't stand out at her school because of her introversion, many boys looked at her when she passed through the halls, without necessarily realizing it. Juyeon was quite a stranger to the students of her school, nobody knowing her name, but everyone knew what she looked like.

Retrieving her books for the period, she closed her locker and ran to class. Math, she thought to herself, getting the gag reflex. She sucked in math, barely passing the class every year, no matter how hard she tried. Eventually, she just kind of gave up, realizing that when she put in hours of effort, it barely helped her grades.

Running into class, she sat down at the back of the class, as she always did. She didn't have many friends, actually, Eunbi was basically her only friend, and she only shared Biology class with her. I'm almost every class, she sat in the very back, not wanting to take up too much space in between other students. Most people didn't even know she existed, and Juyeon tried to convince herself that she was okay with it. Indeed, if people knew she existed, she's maybe get bullied, and it's better to be ignored than to be bullied, right?

She set up her desk for the class, rested her head on her hands, and let out a big sigh, realizing how fucking tired she was of everything. Finally, class started, so she tried her best to listen to the lesson but failed miserably after the first three or four minutes.

Riki's POV

I walk into math class, the only class I didn't share with one of my friends. I walk up to my usual spot, only to realize it was already taken by that annoying chick, Miju. She smiles and waves at me, signaling that I should sit beside her, but I fake smile back and look around at the other available seats. God, I feel bad for Miju. I could tell she wanted a boyfriend really badly, cause each week she would flirt with a different guy, but she'd always get rejected cause she's way too clingy. Don't get me wrong, she's really nice, but I wouldn't want to date her, even if she's pretty.

Scanning the room, I find the last spot available, right in the back, where it's hard to hear and see. Well shit, guess I won't be able to read the board. My eyesight isn't that bad but since our school is pretty big, each class has between 30 and 40 students, so sitting in the back of the class implies seeing and hearing barely anything for the whole period. Honestly, it doesn't really matter, since I'm pretty confident in math. Not to brag, but I think I've never had under 95% in math on my report card.

Sitting down in the spot at the back, I start placing my stuff without really noticing my surroundings. I put down my pencil case, my math workbook, my notebook, my water bottle and my book for literature class. I figured I could read that if I get bored during math, cause the class is pretty easy for me. Jake Hyung always tells me how hard math is, but honestly, I find it super easy. Too bad for him, I guess.

About two seconds before the bell rings, I hear a slight noise. Very silent, but very subtle, but just loud enough for me to hear it. A sigh.

I quickly turn to my left, looking for the owner of the sigh. Sitting at the desk right beside me is a girl. I don't know her name but I think I've seen her around before. She's never really stood out to me, though she is quite pretty. Even after the bell rings, I find myself still staring at her. When she finally notices, she turns to her right and sees me looking straight at her. Before I even have time to turn away, she's already looking straight ahead, a slight blush on her face, a sign that she's shy.

I turn away and try to listen to the lesson, but for some reason, I can't seem to concentrate. It's not the girl that's troubling me, but the sigh that she let out. It didn't just seem like she was tired, it seemed like... like that little noise carried a large burden.

Deciding to forget about it, I lean back into my seat and open that literature book I knew I was gonna need.

Words: 851

A/N: don't be shy to leave comments if you enjoy or if you have any suggestions!

Sigh - Nishimura Riki / Ni-kiWhere stories live. Discover now