𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 12

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Chris woke up from an beautiful morning. He stood up, did this morning care and got ready in a nice outfit. While changing, he remembered he needed to fix his hair but at the same time he didn't want to get late to visit his girlfriend at the hospital.

He took the bag he had her presents inside then he took a bouquet of roses and drove off to the hospital.
As he arrived, he locked his car and went inside. While walking, he was getting excited.
As he reached room 156, he opened the door holding the bouquet roses behind him and closing it behind.

Amelia:"Babe! You came. I'm so happy you came."
Chris:"Yeah, lovely. I brought you a little something."
Amelia:"What is it?"

Chris handed the bouquet that was behind him to Amelia. Amelia smiled and put her hands on her mouth.

Amelia:"Oh my god! Thank you so much, hon. I love them, they're so beautiful!"

Chris:"Everything for my wife. I also got you another thing, here it is."

Chris handed her a bag full of things which he bought for her.

Amelia:"Alright, let me see."

She looked inside the bag and got surprised about what she saw. Chris had bought her the chocolates she loves, a cute hoodie, skincare products, a fully toy animal, a Dior perfume, some cute blanket which she can wear in winter and a necklace which comes with earrings and a bracelet.

Amelia:"Oh my goodness! These are a lot of gifts! Thank you dear, you know you didn't have to buy those things for me."

Chris:"It's worth when it is for you. By the way, happy birthday princess."

Amelia kissed him on his cheeks with the joy in her eyes. Chris and Amelia looked at each other for a bit then smiled.

Chris:"So, what do you wanna do?"

Amelia:"I don't really know.."
Chris:"How about we watch a movie together?"

Amelia:"How are we supposed to watch a movie if I'm at the-."

Someone then knocked on the door. "Come in" said Chris and it was only Amelia's doctor.

Chris:"What is it, doc?"
Doctor:"Good morning sir and ma'am, I only came here to give Amelia breakfast and after she'd be done eating, you may leave the hospital."

Chris:"Okay, thanks."
The doctor left. Chris smirked at Amelia and she blushed.

Chris:"I told ya"
Amelia:"Shut up, hmpp."

Chris chuckled at how she was. Amelia started to eat her breakfast and looked at Chris.

"Baby, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" She asked

"No thanks, I'm good like this. Eat it, babe. Good appetite."


Amelia knew he was lying, so she took a grabe which was on her tray.

Amelia put grabe in Chris' mouth. At first he didn't notice and then he began to eat it.

Chris:"You little-."
Amelia:"Hushhh, I know you're hungry. Eat some food, I'm worried."

Chris kissed her on the cheek, then took a piece of bread and began to eat it.

Chris smiled while putting his hand on his cheek. Amelia finished her breakfast after sometime. He helped her get up and walked her to his car.

On the way while driving, Chris looked at Amelia and asked her:"Baby? Do you wanna stay at my house for a bit?"

Amelia nodded. As they got there, Chris opened the car door for his girl and went inside the house.

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