last night's feelings.

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a/n: the one shot is inspired by escapism. by raye. i've tried to stick by the plot of the music video and lyrics, yet there will be some deviations. this will contain mature themes of alcohol use disorder and explicit content so please read with caution. enjoy!

"If love and hate are the same words, then I hate you Seoul."

The rap instilled hip hop song permeates in the meager expanse of the cubicle a pair of maiden are situated, where one stowed herself on the bed, viewing with her feline pairs towards her esteemed friend, no, her near sister from the years they have depleted voicing each other confidentiality through undertones, giggling whilst encasing each other under starry airspace and expressing expletives through balmy and seemingly perennial heatwaves, and permitted water lines to be brimmed until it forged a waterfall through the jolly and glum. The sentiment of the latter is explicit in the younger maiden, who is by a few months, albeit her visual toiling to forge one of insouciant. She discovers a leeway in painting such, but none of it flee past the perturbed eyes of the stubbier woman.

"Hyejinie, are you sure you want to do this?" Wheein voices in a subdued tonality as the aforementioned woman glides her hands through her closet, eyebrows crimped in mild vexation upon not viewing her adored ensemble, albeit stowed even profoundly into the lowest fragment.

Hyejin infers upon staying reticent, her hands tender before, now drifting through the pyramid of ensembles she garnered in the prior years in a rather illiberal fashion, the fittest breathing to view Hyejin's bodice and lower physique ever again.

"Hyejinie, talk to me," Wheein stands herself up and treads for the heftier woman, albeit by a few centimeters, viewing her back as her hands in causation, slapdash the ensembles, before catapulting them on the floor.

Wheein contemplates stowing her hand on one shoulder of Hyejin, glides it closer before Hyejin twirls around to view the feline eyed woman.

"Where is the v-necked lace black dress I have, Wheein? Did I lose it?" Hyejin asks through her slender slits, her rims rosy, nose rosy, the whites which exhibit on three sides than the crown of her eyes rosy in hue. Her nose expends a few more seconds than often to perform inspiration, staccatos fleeing sporadically. The moist which cascaded her apple of the cheeks is now parched, swiped, deterged with her five step skincare, in effect her rather faultless layer of skin appearing more so.

"Hyejinie, please talk to me," Wheein voices in desperation, clasping both Hyejin's hands and pressing a squeeze, "All you did was cry until a few hours ago. You haven't spoken a single word until now, other than wanting to go to the club."

The song makes its entrance in Hyejin's ear, now another male voice singing, leniently treading towards a static noise, which sounded akin to previous night. The to and fro of phrases. Clasping upon the torso, impetrating to stay. One who has appended to her living more than she envisaged.

Hyejin perceives the unsmoked affliction, the deciphering of that person being aloof for the rest of her forever among the foliage, the cenotes, the airspace which is overcast, doused in midnight blue.

Midnight blue. The hue of her unsmoked affliction.

Hyejin flutters her eyes close, toiling not to permit affliction gliding down her visual. It morphs to diffidence again even before the naked eye could perceive, "Where is the dress, Wheenie? I really want to feel good tonight."

Wheein views her for a moment, a frown accentuating her lips, gaze upheld by Hyejin's before nodding, unclasping her hands and treading for the closet, "I'll search it for you."

"Thank you, Wheein," Hyejin chirps, a tinge of sentiment other than glum swirling to the surface, before she glides out the Prada thigh high glistering boots, which she has been saving for the time to visit The Henz Club while she sees him perform up on the stage. Before she voices him her perpetual adoration and him without exception for the remainder of her breaths, only melded with his. Him.

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