chapter 1

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"here you go a glass of Chianti and a whiskey and coke" the tall woman speaks as she places your drinks on the table.
"I didn't order whiskey?" You question with a confused look on your face.

"No a good looking guy bought it for you, you don't want it?" She queried.

Looking around you absent mindedly say "no I don't know any guys here" and handed it back. The woman shrugged and walked back to the bar with the drink.
You sat subconsciously staring at the random flurry of people who where either waltzing into the bar to start thier night or stumbling in to continue drinking, sipping your drink and waiting for your friend to turn up. After two hours, 2 glasses of wine, 2 beers and a cocktail of some kind you realize she isn't coming and go up to the bar to order another beer.
"So I guess your on your own then?"
A man had suddenly stepped up onto the seat next to where you were stood and spoke softly. You gazed at him for a couple seconds wondering why you felt that you recognised him before it hit that it was your turn to speak.
"No...well yeah...Well...I was supposed to meet a friend but she seems to have ditched, what's it to you?" You stumbled on your words a little but weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the mysteriously hot guy who just appeared out of nowhere who was actually talking to you. He looked at you with hooded eyes slowly stroking his jaw as if carefully contemplating his next words.
"Let me buy you a drink, whiskey okay?" He states rather fast as he signals for a waitress. Then it hits you. This guy is Norman Reedus and he's asking to buy you a drink!? No this has to be a dream or something. You had seen a couple of movies starring him but not so much recently except for the first two seasons of the walking dead. His hair was longer and he was a little older than you had seen him, and to think he was hot then was an understatement but While you stare at his charming everything he has already bought you both a drink and it's being handed over as he stares back.
"So it was you who sent me whiskey earlier Mr Reedus." You mutter while still a little bewildered.
"Yes it was-" he stops mid sentence and eyes you cautiously "I gotta ask your not gonna go all fan girl crazy on me are you?" He chuckles and his eyes have a small gleam of entertainment and curiosity as he looks at you awaiting your reply.
"No not today Dixon" you mutter just loud enough for him to hear. He looks at you quietly for a moment as if judging your character and contemplating his next move carefully. You throw back your drink and look over to him. You stare into his eyes and get lost somewhere until he looks down at his hands.
" No Mr Reedus I'm not going to go all fan girl crazy on you, I'm a fan but I've not recently saw much of you on the screen" you rather awkwardly say to him to try and comfort the obvious look of disappointment in his eyes. He smirks a little then changes the subject completely.
"Why did your friend ditch?" He questions
"She has a date to attend to I think, I'm not too sure to be honest but I was just about to head out instead of drowning my sorrows alone..." You say with a giggle before trailing off.
"Anyway why are you mean talking to me of all people"
" I saw a woman sat there looking lonely and a little sad and I can't buy her a drink ?" He raises his eyebrows while calling the waitress over and putting his card down. He glances at her and tells her to keep them coming. Norman looks back over to you and stares intently into your deep green eyes. This was like a staring competition but only neither of you could look away. Staring back into his electric eyes you got lost in an ocean of thoughts and feelings, he seemed to actually care, and his eyes showed everything from innocent bewilderment to lust. Oh shit. Lust. It was evident now and he wasn't the only one. Your thoughts were changing quicker than the movement of everyone around you. SHIT. It hit you that you weren't alone and were in fact in a very full bar. You drove your eyes back to the empty glass in your hand from the drink which you had finished.
" much do I owe you I have to go home I'm driving" you state as you stand to put your coat on and grab your bag.
" You don't owe me anything. I said on me." Norman replied as he pulls your coat over your shoulders.
"I gotta ask though, are you sure your okay to drive ? I mean I could drive you home if you'd like..." He was kind of muttering the last part and you took a second to analyse the thought of this man knowing where you live. Then you remembered that you had no clue where you are. You knew what the bar was called but you didn't drive like you drunkenly thought. You took a cab. And you weren't near the city because Ashlyn, your friend, lives in the suburbs and this is the nearest bar to her house. During your minute of figuring everything out Norman still hadn't said a word, he just sat back on his barstool and waited patiently for you to speak. You turn to him and smile in embarrassment.
"I think I had too much to drink..." You giggle and sit down again with your elbows taking your heads weight on the bar.
"I didn't drive here I took a cab and I also have nowhere to go since I haven't heard from Ashlyn since midday"
"Who's Ashlyn? Your friend?" He questions. "I can take you to the nearest hotel if you'd like"
The offer was sweet but staying in a hotel wasn't an option.
"No thanks I need the air anyway" you mumble and stand up, wobbling a little as you get your balance. Norman's arm was there as soon as possible for you to catch your balance.
"Here I'll walk you out"
You make your way to the door in his arm until you get to a bench out front and he helps you sit again. You look up to his concerned expression and reassure him that your okay. Once outside and leaning against a wall, He questions you again whether your okay or not but when he's convinced he hugs you goodnight. As you feel his warmth on you and his breathe against your neck, you sink into his arms. He pulls away from the embrace slowly however his eyes don't stray far. He glances between your eyes and your lips. You keep your eyes to his until everything blurs then there's nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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