The Crumbling of England.

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[A/N: Hi! Since this is my first post on Wattpad, I think I should give it an introduction:3 Well, this is based on an anime called Hetalia^-^ You don't necessarily need to know the story/characters to read this:3 Alfred is a personification of America, and Arthur is England. That's pretty much all you need to know]

Alfred stared deep into your eyes, making eye contact with you for minutes until you casually rolled your eyes away from his hold. He looked worringly at you as he takes your hand.

"Arthur?" he whispered. "Is everything alright?"

You inhaled deeply and cocked your head to the side, letting the soft wind blow through your blonde hair. "Everything's fine, Alfred. Not a bother in the world."

The words slipped right off your tongue. Lying is a second nature to you now. It's just natural for you to lie about your feelings, just like it's natural for lions to kill.

Alfred looked at you, a worried expression was still clearly readable on his face. "You sure? You know you can talk to me if you're down about anything!" he shouted at you.

You didn't know whether he was shouting due to anger, anxiety, panic, or anything else. At the moment, you felt dead. Alone. Like nobody else in the world exisited. Like YOU didn't exist.

You moved your head upright to become parrallel with Alfred's. You sighed quietly, so barley any noise left your lips before you began to talk.

"Alfie, love. I'm fine. Really. You head on home, I'll be there soon." You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before the turned on your heels and began to make you way into the town, to take one last look at things.

Alfread stared at you as you walked away, not wanting to move anywhere before he knew for sure you were alright. At the time, you thought of his actions as an annoyance. You thought he was only there to get in the way of your 'happiness.' How foolish you were. You were blinded. Heck, you still are blinded, because this exact thing trails around your thoughts quite regularly.

You glanced backwards quickly, to see if your companion had moved anywhere as you continued to take steps away from him. He had not taken one step. You growled with frustration as a million thoughts raced through your mind at once. You couldn't take all of the voices that were floating around in your head. You began to run. You didn't know where you were running to, you were just running to get away from the man who was currently not letting you out of his sight.

You darted between people, shoving people out of the way so you could make your, so-called, escape from reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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