𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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Narrator's POV

The next morning arrived in the blink of an eye, reminding Juyeon that she really needed to go to bed earlier on weeknights.

Instead of waking up to the sound of her alarm, she woke up to her brother's face staring at her, a few centimetres away from her face.

"CHOI BEOMGYU!! YOU BASTARD!!" She jumped out of her bed, latched herself to his body and tried to drag him to the floor, hitting him with her small fists. Compared to her five feet and six inches, he was a giant, so he usually won all the fights unless he purposely let her win.

Finally, after failing to hurt him, she climbed back into bed. "What was that for, asshole? I was sleeping peacefully until I saw your ugly ass," she complained sleepily. Every time Eunbi saw her talk with her brother, it was a huge shock how different she acted. She threw insults left and right and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Sibling stuff, I guess. Can't relate. She would think to herself, being an only child.

Beomgyu laughed before replying with "Mom told me to wake you up, apparently it's faster when I do it than when your alarm does it. I guess I got the proof today." He cackles evilly before leaving the room, leaving Juyeon to think that this wasn't the last time he was going to do that.

The girl was about to go back to bed when she heard some familiar voices downstairs. Recognizing them, she got up in a flash, put on the first clothes she set her eyes on and hurried down the stairs.

"YEONJUN!! SOOBIN!!" She screamed, the loud introvert side of her coming out for the second time that morning.

Her two cousins smiled widely when they saw her run down the stairs, rushing over to hug her. The four of them, Juyeon, Beomgyu, Soobin and Yeonjun had always been close, their mothers had always been close too as they were unidentical twin sisters.

"I missed you guys... you should come over more often!! What am I supposed to eat when Mom and Dad are working?? Gyu never cooks for me," she pouted.

Yeonjun had graduated high school a year ago and Soobin went to a different school than Juyeon, an all boys' private school, so Juyeon rarely saw them unless they came to visit. It had happened once, though, that she had accidentally met Yeonjun at the supermarket, he was there with his girlfriend, but other than that, she had never seen them outside of the house.

To her, she didn't see them often enough, but she actually saw them at least once every week. Because she was so busy, it seemed to her like once every month.

"I missed you too, Bean," Soobin laughed as he ruffled her hair, "I come as often as I can, but you know I'm busy with work." Bean was a nickname he had called her by ever since her 6th birthday party when she had eaten so many jelly beans that she had puked rainbow all over the living room carpet. The nickname sounded a lot cuter without knowing the story behind it.

"Don't use work as an excuse. You and I both know it's your girlfriend that's keeping you busy, not your work." She pouted and turned to Yeonjun. "At least you're loyal, Junnie. Even when you have a girlfriend, you come see me often," she hugged him and held onto him before sticking her to tongue out to Soobin. The boy returned the grimace before walking over to the fridge and taking out his cousin's favourite drink, mango Mogu Mogu, and drinking it directly from the bottle.

"AAHHH I'M SORRY I LOVE YOU JUST LEAVE MY MOGU MOGU ALONE!!" Soobin laughed hysterically before putting the bottle back into the fridge. Behind them, in the living room, Beomgyu and Yeonjun were teasing each other, Beomgyu annoying Yeonjun and the latter pretending to hate it but actually enjoying it.

Finally, after eating breakfast with her brother and her cousins, changing into more presentable clothes and fixing her hair, it was time to head to school. As usual, she didn't wait for Beomgyu but walked in front of Eunbi's house to wait for her. When she was ready, she walked out and walked with Juyeon to school.

When Juyeon and Eunbi parted ways to go to each others lockers, Juyeon started walking across the hallway only to see a group of people around her locker. She sighed, mentally preparing herself to talk to the strangers and ask them to kindly move their asses away. Any social interaction always needed a lot of preparation for her, no matter how little it was. She was about to ask them to leave when she noticed who it was.

It was the seven heartbreakers. And they weren't they're for no reason, they were there for her.

Words: 823

A/N: Today I tried without success to get Dark Blood signed albums. I'm gonna cry. I was checking out and they suddenly went sold out. ANYWAYS HAVE A GREAT DAY WHOEVER'S READING THIS <3

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