Thier new world

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4-12-23 Wed.
It starts by Kaiser having a baby turtle that we had to release into the wild when Kaiser was 3.
He's always loved animals. Last weekend he asked, "Daddy, maybe ummm, we could have a crawdad for a pet since we can't have a turtle?"
I thought about it. Since we previously had a tank of fish, that unfortunately didn't work out.

I come up with an idea, he wanted a pet and he loves rollie pollies and worms and is currently asking for a crawfish as a pet, so we build a terrarium, one that is hopefully self sustaining.

In 150 gallon tank we start with lava rock, then a dirt mix of different soils we have around our property and fallen/dead leafs and sticks.

After school we went to our local park and went hunting for moss, sticks, plants, bugs, and such. We found most everything there except for plant's because he was so excited about the bugs we skipped out on finding plants at the park. At least he can always add too. We found an awesome tree stump for a center peace and a handful of moss and a few pine cones for decoration, decomposition, and vegetation. As far as bugs we found a betel, some rollie pollies, and some others.

We got home and went right to work. We set the stump in and Kaiser had the idea to put a pond under one of the limbs on the stump so it looked like they were jumping off of a diving board into a pool if they (the bugs) had climbed to the edge of the limb and fell.

When we got it all set up it looked beautiful, then we added the bugs and water. But the pool/pond has held the water yet. Either in need of a better pond base or a actual bowl of some sort.

Oh and there's a crawfish in the pond! Kaiser and I are thrilled with how it come out, and we can't wait to watch it grow!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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