Prologue - Did we choose the wrong time to be born?

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That was it, and just it. Alana was an 11-year-old Muggle-born girl who received her letter from Hogwarts and had her life turned upside down. She was a witch. She would study at a school for witches and wizards. She would have a wand!

Nori and Brianna were twins from an entirely wizarding family. They already knew what to expect from school, but that didn't make them any less anxious.

The three met on the Hogwarts Express and inside the cabin, while explaining many things to Alana, they promised that their time at Hogwarts would be legendary. After all, the trio had discovered a common trait rarely seen in children: the desire for greatness, for extraordinary acts, for doing something different. They wouldn't be any wizardkind, they would be remembered through the ages. So when Arthur, a second year student and Nori and Brianna's acquaintance, came running over to whisper that it looked like Harry Potter was on the train, Nori sat a little shocked and pale in his seat.

"Are you sure?" Nori asked Arthur.

"I heard him introduce himself to the Weasley brat."

"Damn it," he replied.

Arthur, seeing that he had nothing more to say, went back to his own cabin.

"What happened? Who is Harry Potter?" Alana, still excited about making a difference, knew nothing about the boy who lived.

"That's the end of our chance to get attention," grumbled Nori.

It was Brianna who was kind enough to tell her new friend the whole story.

"Wow" said Alana, covering her mouth in surprise. "I want to meet this Harry Potter."

"Even you?" Nori's complaint was nothing more than a snarl. "He has no merit, he was just a baby! Probably Voldemort's wand malfunctioned at the time".

Brianna squirm in her chair when she heard the name, but Alana showed no emotion.

"Mommy and Daddy already told you not to say his name."

"It's just a name!" Nori stuck his tongue out at her sister. He would never tell the truth: he was afraid to say it, he even felt a shiver in his body every time, but he was braver than that. Brave and reckless in the way only children can be. Never would admit his fear.

"A name that is not good to pronounce". Brianna stuck out her tongue.

"Voooldemooorrrrt" Alana pronounced imitating a ghoul. "The "R" is funny to say."

Nori and Brianna's eyes widened. It was one thing to say the name in a rush, out of your mouth like a gunshot. It was another to enjoy the word on the lips.

"Alana!" said Brianna nervousness. "It's better not to be like that at Hogwarts, or people will think you're crazy".

"I'm already starting to think so," whispered Nori, looking out the train window.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?"

It was around noon, a lady passed by pushing a trolley full of sweets. Alana gently shook her head, taking a tuna sandwich out of her bag.

"Have you ever tried any of these?" Brianna asked and Alana just shook her head again. "Then I'll want three of each thing in this trolley, Miss".

She knew they were different, and not just in appearance.

Brianna and Nori were very similar, with bulbous nose and light brown skin. The eyes as black as the pupils and the wavy black hair. Both were tall and had the presence of their dreams: attention-grabbing.

Alana, on the other hand, was a small, petite thing with curly, bleached-blond hair, pale beige skin streaked with brown freckles, and unspectacular palid green eyes. Next to the two, she was even smaller.

Alana was from a Muggle and poor family. She was only able to buy the material for Hogwarts through a donation from a professor – who she would soon seek to thank. Brianna and Nori were from the Yaxley Family. As rich as they could be.

"Come on, you have to try these things" Brianna threw more candy than Alana has seen in her life next to her in the coaches. "Start here, they're chocolate frogs".

"Be careful when opening!" Nori said, but it was too late, Alana's frog jumped in her face and got tangled up in her blond curls.

Alana screamed in fright, she didn't know that a "chocolate frog" was simply a bewitched chocolate and not a species ready to eat her brain.

"Calm down! Hold still!" Brianna tried to grab the frog in new friend's hair, but Alana couldn't stop struggling.

The cabin door slammed open and with a flash of light the frog flew out of Alana's hair and out the window.

"So much noise for that? Are you mental?" A blond boy standing in the doorway lowered his wand as he faced the trio. "Ah, the Yaxleys" he said with disdain.

"Malfoy." The disdain in Nori's voice was equal, if not bigger. "You could have ripped her head off with your filthy wand skill, Draco."

"But I didn't," replied the blonde. "And I see that it's still in your nature to make friends with riffraff'". Draco looked down at Alana, their skin was equally pale. Any urge she had to thank him evaporated in seconds.

"Not everyone looks for friends out of interest" Nori opened a wicked smile. "I bet you've already been chasing after Harry Potter."

"Is Harry Potter on this train?" Malfoy's eyes widened, it was obvious that if he had known this before, he wouldn't have wasted his time there talking to Nori.

"With the Weasleys. Looks like he also knows how to pick friends."

Alana couldn't tell if Nori liked these Weasleys or not, but went to Draco.

"Not that you deserve my gratitude, but my parents taught me to be polite. So thanks for getting the frog out of my hair."

"Tsk, weird" Malfoy left the cabin and the three could finally taste the sweets in peace.

"They used to be best friends," Brianna whispered to Alana, "Draco Malfoy and Nori, but then they got into a fight and—"

"You know I'm listening, right?" Nori rolled his eyes. "We're literally in front of each other". Nori looked at Alana. "He's an idiot who only cares about money and pure blood. Don't get close him."

"Pure blood?" Alana managed to bite the head of another chocolate frog, while staring curiously at the image of the witch Morgana waving to her in the candy box.

"Wizards who have never mixed with Muggles," Brianna replied. "Some families care about that. They don't like to mix. The Malfoys are one of those."

"Ah, like dog breeds." Alana finished eating the frogs' paws. "Wizardkind are eccentric".

"Are you comparing wizards to dog breeds?" Nori swallowed a pumpkin muffin angrily.

"I could compare it to the Nazis, but that would be too dramatic, wouldn't it?" Alana smiled. Brianna and Nori looked at each other, they had few knowledge of what the Nazis were, they hadn't studied Muggle history, but they knew it was something very bad.

"You're really strange, Alana," Brianna said, letting out a sigh.

Strange, petite and different. Maybe that's why the Yaxley brothers would never let go of her again.

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