6- Looking for Shmi

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Evelyn was still thinking about the conversation about last night before she had went to sleep.

She still managed to shook it off and just rest.

Walking out the balcony, there she spot Anakin standing there with his hands crossed together behind as his eyes were closed.

She stepped closer but then stopped when she wanted to give him a lonely time and turned to leave.

"Don't go."

Evelyn turned her head to him, his back still facing her. "I don't want to disturb you."

"Your presence is soothing." He said.

Evelyn then remembered when she heard Anakin's muffle cries at night, taking that reason why he was standing there by himself and finding her presence 'soothing'.

"You had another nightmare last night." Yes, another. That meant that Evelyn had been hearing his cries.

"Jedi don't have nightmares." Anakin stated, in his exact position which the girl took a little silly from him.

"I heard you." That's when he slowly opened his eyes that were straightly gazed on the ground.

"I saw my mother." Evelyn stepped towards him while he turned around, adding, "She was suffering, Evie. I saw her clearly as I see you now." Anakin's face was described as disappointment and worry as he turned around and stepped away, placing his hands on his hips as Evelyn watched him. He deeply sighed. "She is in pain." He turned around. "I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect your sister, Evelyn, but I have to go." He stepped closer while Evelyn didn't take her eyes off him. "I have to help her."

She was deciding in that moment wether she should stay and protect Padmé or help Anakin. But one thing for sure, she wasn't going to leave him all by himself, what if he was never going to return, leaving for dead?

"I'll go with you."

"What about Padmé? She has no one to be protected then." Anakin asked.

"It's okay." Both turned their heads to see Padmé standing by the doorway. "I'm well safe here. Go."

Evelyn lifted the corner of her mouth in member as she slowly turned her head to Anakin that looked back down to her.

Agony ✔︎ 𝘼𝙉𝘼𝙆𝙄𝙉 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now