Protective Boyfriend

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It was a cold lonely night as Jayla laid in her bed trying to fall asleep but she couldn't , Jayla was a girl of average hight and she had dyed her hair dark blue and few months before. She had a lovely complexion and beautiful eyes. She laid their in her dark cold room, the only light she had was the faint glow of the moon shining through her window. She was overthinking life as she does a lot, she thought that perhaps maybe she...
She didn't have time to finish that thought for then she heard
WHACK BAM BOOM CRACK coming from the kitchen. It was 3:00 AM and Jayla's parents weren't home, they had gone out camping for the night and Jayla was left home alone. She stood up so fast that she got dizzy and fell over, she made a loud THUMP. "Someone'a here" Jayla heard a deep raspy voice say, "let's go find them and tech them a lesson" said a voice the sound more like Kermit the frog than human. Jayla got scared, she grabbed her phone and hid under her bed. She heard footsteps running up the stair they were getting louder and louder thump Thump THump THUmp THUMp THUMP! Jayla saw the door handle staring to turn. Her palms were sweating and she was on the verge of tears, the 2 men walked into her room they looked around but didn't find her, but she couldn't leave. More of them had shown up now their must have been at least 25 now. And they were all over Jayla's house. She couldn't leave her room or else she would get shot. She first called her parents RIGNG RING RING RING... no answer
She then called 911 RING RING " 911 what's your emergency oh wait sorry we have another call bye" the phone went silent
She didn't know who else to call
She is a 14 year old girl who is trapped inside a house with 25 criminals
She went through all the contacts on her phone but no one answered after all it is 3:45 in the morning. She then decided to go to hangouts and call one of her friends
Alissa- RIGN RING RING no answer
Gavin- RING RING RING no answer
Kevin- RING RING RING no answer
Lisa- RING RING RING no answer
And finally the last person on her list
"Hello? Why are you calling me this late?"
Jayla was relieved she had finally gotten ahold of someone.
Jayla- Help
Sawyer- why what's wrong
Jayla-their is about 25 criminals in my house and if they find me they will kill me
Sawyer-holy crap I will be there soon
Jayla- sawyer NO YOU CANT COME HERE-
The phone went silent sawyer had hung up. Jayla sat there in silence hoping and praying that Sawyer would be ok. Jayla was silent, tears streaming down her face, she then heard a rock hit her window. She peeked her head out from under her bed and saw that there were no bad guys in her room. She slinked out from under and ran towards her window. It was Sawyer! She opened the window and quickly told him to climb up the trellis. As he got through her bedroom window he hugged her so tightly she thought he would squeeze the life out of her. It that moment couldn't last for a moment too soon because Jayla and Sawyer heard footsteps rushing up the Sainte fast and furiously. thump Thump THump THUmp THUMp THUMP! Jayla and Sawyer hid back under her bed and watched the feet of all 25 men search vigorously around Jaylas room. One of them then looked under the bed and found them, he grabbed Jaylas hair and tried to pull her out but Sawyer wouldn't let them he got out from under the bed and punch the guy in the face, he went to hug Jayla to comfort her but another man grabbed him. Well he was restrained all of the other men started kicking and hurting Jayla, Sawyer couldn't bare to watch it. He broke free of the man's grasp and grabbed a baseball bat. He started hitting all the men and knocking them out one by one. But one of them grabbed the bat right out of his hands and started beating the shit out of Jayla. Sawyer I nothing to stop the man so he used himself to shield Jayla from the bat, and just at the right moment Sawyer grabbed the bat from the last man and hit him with it, it knocked him out. All of the men were unconscious and Sawyer stood up proud of himself, but quickly rushed back down to Jayla and picked her up bridal style, he sat down on her bed with her in his arms, they were all cut and bruised, and Jayla looked at him and the only words she could manage to get out of her mouth were "I love you" Sawyer then kissed Jayla while the poultice started to pull into the driveway. It's as like a scene from one of those movies, two lovers with the police lights showing through the window on their faces while they kissed. They were safe, And we're together forever.

Protective boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now