25 // The Biggest Flirt

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While the clubhouse buzzes with activity, Knox is crouched beside his motorcycle meticulously cleaning each component with precision and care.

It's a cathartic process that offers him respite from his dark thoughts.

He works his way from the handlebars, with their worn grips that have served him well on countless rides, down to the chrome exhaust pipes. When he examines the brake calipers, he makes a mental note to get online tonight to look for an upgrade, perhaps something with more stopping power. He's been meaning to make a few improvements to his ride, but time hasn't been on his side as of late.

Too many fires to put out.

Too many Jackals to track down and kill.

With a heavy sigh, Knox reaches for a new rag and some cleaning solution to work on the gas tank. The sun reflects off the glossy surface within seconds, a gentle reminder that he only has a few hours left to take advantage of today's good weather.

The smell of the hamburgers and ribs sizzling on the grill drifts through the air and all around the massive backyard, merging with the pungent scents of whiskey and cigarette smoke. Loud rock music blasts from the speakers that have been set up, but even that isn't enough to drown out Alvin.

Knox looks up when another round of laughter erupts from the group of men seated at the largest wooden picnic table.

Alvin is standing on his seat, his hands flailing animatedly as he tells yet another outlandish story; this time, it involves him getting chased naked down a street by the gun-toting husband of a woman he was caught fucking. Instead of it being a member of a rival gang, most of Alvin's brushes with death were a result of him messing around with women that he should've left alone.

Knox can't help but chuckle at his brother, shaking his head in amused disbelief. He gets back to work and wipes the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand, leaving a grease stain on his tanned skin before tightening a bolt he noticed was loose.

It isn't long before his eyes wander over to Everett, who is doing his best to annoy Finn by critiquing his grilling skills. The tension between the two men is still there, Knox can feel it from almost fifty feet away, but at least now whenever they look at each other, Everett's eyes hold less of a murderous glare.

Unlike Josie, Knox has acknowledged the possibility that Finn and Everett may never become friends. Considering the painful history that lies between them, Finn being responsible for Shaun's death which later put a target on Everett's back, Knox has no reason to try to push them together. He's more than content seeing them play nice in front of his brothers and the other guests.

"Of course I'd find you over here by this damn shed scrubbing away on that bike." Gavin appears with a blunt in one hand and a cold beer in the other. He offers the beer to Knox. "You always gotta be doing something, don't you? Can't ever just stop and smell the grass like the rest of us."

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