chapter 1

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It's been three years since the Guanyin Temple incident and only about a year since Zewe Jun exited his seclusion, Wei Wuxian and his relationship might not be like that of how it was before but they are slowing healing.

It was one of those days where he went to cloud recesses to visit Wei Wuxian.

On his way to Jingshi he met Zewe Jun, "Good morning, Wanyin", "Good morning, Xichen" he replied.

As much as it might sound weird after Zewe Jun went out of seclusion, with his frequent visits they somehow became friends and to be honest he doesn't know at what point they reached on name basis...

"Are you heading towards the Jingshi?" Xichen asked, "That idiot said he wanted to show me something." Saying that he started walking again. "Then mind if I join you", "You don't need to ask me that but sure" then received a light chuckle and a nod.

When they reached Jingshi it's door burst open...

They looked inside for what happened, they saw Wei Wuxian in an awkward position and with two familiar faces in violet and white "um hi Xichen-ge, Jiang Cheng...", he at him "Wei Wuxian!! he can already feel the headache coming "What did you do this time?","Who are these two!", he yelled pointing at the two people that looked exactly like himself and Xichen.

"Before you say anything more I really don't know how it happened, I just wanted to show you that there is an alternative universe from ours and that maybe we can travel there! but accidently brought two of them here, who were currently in this room in a different universe which somewhat explains why they look like the two of you".

"wow! So such thing really exist then! and see I told you would look gorgeous in robes from my sect a-cheng" the man in Yunmeng Jiang robes suddenly spoke up, making the shorter of the two blush.

"Greetings gongzi, if you don't mind can the both of you introduce yourself", said Zewe Jun with his gentle smile.

"Pardon our rudeness" he said while slightly punching the taller one on the shoulder, "birth name Lan Cheng, courtesy name Lan Wanyin, second young master of Gusu Lan Sect", "birth name Jiang Huan, courtesy name Jiang Xichen, Sect Leader of Yunmeng Jiang Sect" said both of them bowing down.

Shock was evident on everyone's face as they finished.

"Wei Wuxian, you don't know how to send them back" he asked, "That's, Jiang Cheng... haha...", he was about to scold him again when he felt a palm on his shoulder, diffusing his anger a bit.

"Wanyin, since we don't know how to send them back let's show them around until you find something to help them with Wei Ying", said Zewe Jun calming the atmosphere with a smile.

"Can I ask where is xiōng zhǎng" Lan Wanyin asked timidly, it took a second for them to understand who he was referring to, "oh! You mean Lan Zhan! He's with Grandmaster Lan, would you like to meet him?" asked Wei Wuxian.

To his surprise he saw Lan Wanyin smile and nod as an answer.

"Jiang Cheng! You from another world smiles so often!", yelled Wei Wuaxian in surprised which earned him a punch from Jiang Cheng.

"a-cheng this version of you is so fierce here", Jiang Xichen said while teasing his partner."Jiang Xichen!", he said while blushing all over again.

"Then shall we head to Lanshi, we can talk to Shufu about them too", said Xichen trying his best not to look at him blushing. When they reached lanshi they saw Grandmaster Lan and Lan Wanji sipping tea in peace.

"Shufu", Zewe Jun said while bowing followed by everyone which made him almost choke on his tea for seeing two Xichen and two Jiang zongzhu then he continued "We happen to receive some rather unexpected guests.", they procedded to give a summery of what happed so far.

"Hm, then you two don't know how you came here and how long you might have to stay here", he asked. "Shu- grandmaster Lan... may we can stay here if it's not asking for too much", answer Lan Wanyin.

"You can call me Shufu if you like and you're most welcome here, think of it as your own sect", he said with a small smile. Lan Wanyin beamed hearing that, "Yes, Shufu!", "Then I shall show you to your rooms now to fresh yourselves up and rest", Zewe Jun said about to leave when Jiang Xichen spoke up "Actually I think we'll only need one room, we can share", he said looking at the now blushing Lan Wanyin.

"Shameless" was all he could utter out, "What's so shameless about that, haven't we shared a room many times before and we are married anyways so who can object?", he said with a smirk on hsis face.

Grandmaster Lan choked on his tea and everyone else froze...

"Wait wait wait! You two are married!? How!? When!? How's that possible!!? How is it that I never saw this coming!!!", his mouth was hanging open as Wei Wuxian yelled.

"Huh? Are they not married here? Cause I'm pretty confident I'll fall for him in any world", said Jiang Xichen with a raise of his eyebrow and a smug face.

Now it was Lan Xichen's turn to blush...

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