A Cat Named Piffles

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He looked over at her, making sure she wasn't faking her sleep. After he was sure he grabbed his stuff and walked out of her house. He walked two blocks down to his car, a kitten walked out from the shadows. It was a pretty kitten, soft, delicate, calico fur; bright, energetic, green eyes; little tiny white paws. She was most definitely the prettiest cat he had ever seen. She began to clean herself as he watched it, he looked for a collar. He crouched down and put his hand out. The kitten came to his hand and rubbed against it. He picked the small baby cat up and got into his car. Putting it in the passenger seat, he drove to his own home. At his house he let her in and made a list of cat needs. He posted it to his refrigerator for the next morning, then he heated up a bowl of milk for her which he had named Piffles. Piffles was not anywhere to be seen and he looked for her. In his room he found her curled up in the middle of his bed. He smiled, the small thing brought him so much joy, but hadn't been around for much time. He went to bed on the couch so he wouldn't wake Piffles. When he woke she was sitting on the back of the couch, fast asleep, snoring softly. He went to the refrigerator and took the list off. After eating breakfast he walked to his car to go to the store. As he opened his car door, Piffles jumped in. He hadn't realized she had gotten out but couldn't do anything about it, she was already curled up on the passenger seat. He got in and drove to the pet store. Once there he pick Piffles up and carried her into the store, he found the litter, food, and some toys for her but none of the collars seemed to fit her character. So with all his things he drove to the next pet store. There he found a small pink rhinestone studded collar with a matching leash. He bought the set and as soon as he got in the car put the collar on her. She purred quietly as he put the name tag on, it was a pink heart with his address, phone number and her name on it. He drove all the way home with a happy little kitten purring on his lap. When he got home he looked around to find a spot for the litter box. He had read that cats needed an open litter box so they won't think it's a place for them to live. So he took the top off and put it next to his side table. The food dishes he placed on the counter, so when his room mate came home he wouldn't have to worry about his dog eating the cats food. The bed went next to his desk in his room and the toys were placed in a basket near the bed. Content with everything he had accomplished he sat down and began to write.
Years went by, Piffles grew older as did the man. He found a lovely girl and they got married. Piffles was never forgotten and was taken everywhere with the couple. The women didn't like how the man was always spoiling the calico. It was going to die soon anyway why did he have to treat it like a baby? The woman grew jealous of Piffles and decided that maybe having a child would make the man give the calico cat up. If Piffles didn't like children then they would have to get rid of her. The young couple had a child, two actually, twins. The little boy and girl loved Piffles, and Piffles loved them. With a cat that loved children there was no reason to give her away. The cat and children played day in and day out. The pretty calico was still a very gorgeous cat. Same soft, delicate, calico, fur; same little, tiny, white, paws; although her energetic green eyes faded to a beautiful forest green, they still held the love for the man. The woman was not pleased with the cat and placed it outside, making an excuse of it was not using the litter box. The man was upset and let Piffles back in. The woman devised a plan to get rid of the cat, but when she looked for it, it was gone. Piffles had a feeling that she was unwanted by the woman and left. The man posted sign after sign giving cash award for Piffles, but no one ever saw her. The woman was angry that he spent all his time on a dumb cat so she left as well. The children went with her and that is the last he saw of them. He continued to search for Piffles never giving up. Then one day, he drove down that one street, the one he had found Piffles on. He stopped at the same spot and got out. From the dark a pretty calico kitten walked from the shadow of the alley. It had soft, delicate, calico fur; energetic, yellow eyes; three little tiny white paws, the last was missing. He picked the kitten up. It purred like a machine gun, at the sound another cat walked out from the shadows. Piffles with her pink rhinestone studded collar. She rubbed against the man and he took her and her son home with him.

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