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𝟽 || ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ

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𝟽 || ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ


||ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ||

A soft inaudible squeak left from Iseul's lips, when a luke warm water touch her cold body.
She close her eyes feeling the warm water over her skin.
She rubbed her arms when a cold breeze touch her wet skin.

She immediately push up the shower valve, closing the shower holes.
She took towel and rub her hairs, she took her blue top and blue shorts.

She immediately changed her clothes into warm and comfortable nightwear.
She walk out of the shower room.
And stand infront of big mirror of the restroom.

She rub her wet hairs against the dry fluffy towel to dry her wet hairs.

She flinch hard when she heard a loud bang.
She immediately turn around towards the exit door.
She gulp hard knowing, she is alone in whole mansion.
She remember carefully that they won't return this soon.

She clench her shorts.
She took her heavy steps towards the exit door of restroom.

Grabbing the cold metal knob of door, she opened the door with a annoying crack tone.
Her breathe got heavy looking at the darkness of her room.
She bitted her lips looking at the darkness, she clutch the knob more tightly not able to remember if she switch on or off the lights of room before going to restroom.

[ᴘʟᴀʏ sᴏɴɢ :
Ami tomar kache - ʙʏ ᴀʀɪᴊɪᴛ sɪɴɢʜ ]

She walk out of the restroom with relax steps as she is lil calm assuming no one is inside the room.
she walk towards the switch which was near the door of restroom.
She switch on the lights, she sigh when lights glows, she turn towards her bed but her eyes widened, she palmed her mouth looking at her brother in law sitting on the edge of bed with his burning gaze fix on her.

" surprise. ", jungkook rasped out while staring with burning gaze at his little one, who is looking more tempting in her shorts.
All his anger vanished just looking at his little one as if it never existed.

Hearing his raspy and deep tone, Iseul immediately run towards the door of her room because of unknown fear, his eyes were enough to scare her to death.

She grab the knob of door and tried to open but door wasn't opening, she pulled the knob but door wasn't opening.

" useless, little one.. Door won't open... You need me to open this door. ", he informed her with a cozy raspy chuckle.

A drop of tear slipped down from her eyes.
She clutch the door knob more tightly as her situation is scaring her.
She bang her palms on the door asking for someone's help.

Jungkook chuckle and teasingly shook his head at her naive action.
Her resistance towards him, is fun for him.
More she rejects more he gets excited.

Iseul bang the door as if she is mad woman.

Her palms halted on the door when she feels, a warm hot breathes on her bare shoulder.

" you should calm down, we can talk like a normal couple. ", he rasped out while staring down at her lower body.

He step more closer to her body, reducing the distance between them.

Iseul's breathes turn into more heavy when his front body touched her back.

He hold Iseul's wrist on the door, before she can bang the door with her small fist.
He clutch her both hand with his both hands.

" turn to me little one. ", he didn't asked her, he ordered her.

Iseul shook her head rapidly.

" little one... You already made me angry while not coming to party."
" don't press my buttons little one.. Turn around like a good girl. ", he rasped out while tightening his clutch on her wrist.

She struggle to free herself from his steel grip, but her strength were like tickle.

" calm down your bones.. Little one.. I didn't even throw you on bed. ", said him.

Iseul close her eyes hearing his words, he should not be here, with him.
Why he is after her.
He should be with her sister.

She wants to scream, and beg but her disability torn her from inside.
She can't speak, and today it is tearing her apart.

Jungkook clench his fist, he is trying to keep himself calm.
But his little one is stubborn.
He grab her waist releasing her left wrist.
He squeeze her waist and harshly turn her towards him.

Iseul squeak when her face bump into his hard chest.

" why are so stubborn? ", he growl as he hating her stubborn attitude.

Iseul put her palms on his chest to maintain distance.
But he pulled her more closer to his chest.

Iseul struggle in his grip making him angry more.
He harshly grab her arms and slammed on her door.

" FVCKING STOP! ", he roared at her.

Iseul flinch hard and tears started pouring out from her eyes, as no body ever raised voice at her.
Everyone loves her, she is heart of her brother.
She broke out into tears.

Jungkook's heart clench looking at her teary eyes.
His heart thumped inside the rib cage as her tears are effecting him.

Her eyes are making him weak.
He immediately cup her cheeks,
" hey.. Shh don't cry Iseul... I am sorry. ", he apologize for his actions not knowing why, he never bowed nor apologize in front of anyone.
But this little woman make him weak.


𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗻 || J.JK Where stories live. Discover now