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*"Normal speech" = English / "italic speech"= Japanese/ thoughts *

"Ah! Thank you Ssarou_wolf for the sub!" You flash a smile into the lens of your camera, "so, whaddaya think? Quite a nice place, eh?" You laugh, dancing around the clearing.

It was a hot summer day in Kyushu, Japan. As the sun rose high in the sky, the forest was alive with activity. The chirping of birds, the buzzing of insects, and rustling of leaves filled the pure atmosphere. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the lush canopy, dappling on the floor like freckles that framed a face.

"Here look," you say, walking up behind the camera to give your viewers a better view of the area. "Look at how pretty it is!" You laugh, beginning to read the chat, "where are you?" You read aloud, "I'm in some forest in Kyushu," you answer,

"Hi everyone whose just joined, welcome to the chat!" You enthusiastically speak, "wow, almost 5,000 people watching this!" You speak in awe. "Okayyy, one more," you hum, your eyes scanning the lively text appearing on screen, "Oh, Flushy_rain asked what's the sign behind me," you looked up, walking back into the camera frame.

Your e/c surveyed the area, "looks like a bunch of trees to me, I don't see any-" you paused, "hold up," you exhaled, your eyes lingering on a bright red sign, it stuck out so blatantly obvious you wondered how you didn't notice it earlier.

"Let's go explore!" You chirped, taking the camera off it's tripod and placing the strap around your neck. With that, you made your way through the strip of foliage that separated you from the mysterious sign.

You stood in front of it, holding the camera in front of your chest so your viewers could see it, "Tachiiri Kinshi," you read aloud in Japanese, "No entry..." you translated, huffing as you looked up at the small staircase ahead. You pulled the camera higher towards your face so you could read the chat, "Go in?" You gulped, "Chat, are you trying to get me arrested?" You laughed, "ShoesOwO is telling me to 'Enter the spooky forest" You let out an exasperated breath, you sighed in defeat, "Guys-" you moaned, "alright, we hit the sub goal within the next half hour, I'll go in." You compromised, spinning the camera around to your face.

You sat on a rock beside the sign, crudely setting up the tripod to match your level. You watched the number of views climb, people began sharing your stream and raiders came piling in. "Honestly-" you grumbled, massaging your temples with your hands, "thank you guys for the subs, but it won't be worth much if I end up dying in there," you sarcastically laugh,

After a while, the completion of your sub goal was within your grasp and the views stopped climbing, "Fuck you Chat." You mumble, lifting yourself off the rock, "alright, a promise is a promise," you sigh, clumsily stepping over the sign. "Let's get this over with,"


You nervously made your way up the staircase, "where is this anyway?" You inquire, looking around the path, "It's awfully quiet," you mutter, spinning around so chat could see what you meant.

You looked over the ridge, "Oh my-" you gasp. It seemed to be an old Japanese bathing district, something that perhaps was once used to be a bustling hub of relaxation, now, the wooden structures creaked and groaned in the steady breeze that blew through the empty streets. You wandered aimlessly down a pathed path, your eyes tracing the vines as they crept up the walls onto the roofs that were sagging with dire neglect.

The distinct smell of sulphur still seemed to linger in the air, a permanent reminder of the days that gone by. The once colourful paper lanterns now hung limply, their paper rotting around the metal frames. The only sounds to be heard in this ghost town were the rustling of leaves as they got picked up by a gently zephyr or the occasional creak of old buildings, a melancholy reminder to the passage of time.

The Moon will sing [Reader x Souta Munakata]Where stories live. Discover now