Tournament Part 2

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Travis got bored of the fight since Greg got cocky during the fight and started showing of his dodging abilities. Greg was an Orc so he specializes in speed just like Azusa. But unlike Azusa , Greg knew alot about hand to hand combat. Even so he's still weaker than Azusa. He had awakened the S tier level talent which was good in any standards. Using this bro started trying to get girls telling them that with his talent he could make them happy daily. So right now he's trying to show case that talent to the girls watching from the stands.

Josh a sword user was busy swinging his sword at Greg, who kept on dodging while smiling smugly. This enraged Josh as he started using his water Attribute. A dark blue ball of water appeared in his arm, he launched it to Greg who did nothing but dodge. The ball splashed on the wall and dripped down.

This really drained Josh's energy. He fell down to his knees and his sword planted to the ground.

" Greg Has won this match"

A feminine lifeless voice sounded in the whole coliseum.

Many people cheered for Greg while some booed him since he kinda bullied Josh. Well there was no rule saying you couldn't toy with you opponent. He had a face full of pride as be backed to his room.

The next fight was two other Npcs. Sam won and was going to face Travis in the semi finals. While Greg was going to face Chris in the semi finals. They're wins were already guaranteed when you check who they're opponents are.

The first fight was Travis. They called him into the Arena to which he smiled in response. When he walked out the door he transported to the tunnel. He walked out the tunnel and felt the bright sun's heat smacking his skin. He heard many cheers for him as he stood there in the arena. Many of which are from Females of course.

Ian walked in and his friends cheered for him. Some were almost sad that Ian had to face Travis. This wasn't gonna end like how most animes and Manga would. If it was Ian would show some secret ability and win the match. But Ian is not the main character.

Travis watched as Ian summoned his Axe. The area surrounding him become colder as his looked at Travis with fierce eyes. Ian was an Ice Elemental. Which was a rare element for a human to awaken,  to top it all he had S tier talent. You could say he's future was bright. All this fame made him a little prideful, he did understand that there were stronger people in school but he some how felt that he could easily get to their level due to his talent. He must've never read a single Novel.

Talent is the main way a person can see how strong they can become. Yet sometimes people don't reach their potential due to unfortunate circumstances. Like for example death. Yes that's right Ian was gonna die in the future for no literal reason. In the next arc he was one of the students that unfortunately kicked the bucket. Travis could stop this but he didn't see any reason too. He's not a villain but he sure isn't a hero either. He just wants to do what he likes.

" Alright Fighters. If you're both ready............  Start!"

With that Ian sprinted towards Travis, when he got infront of him he swung his axe down  to Travis. He easily dodged this by moving to the side.  His axe broke the ground from its power as it left a huge crack. Ian quickly pulled his axe out and swung it again,yet this time horizontally.  Travis bent backwards dodging the axe, but before he could pull it back Travis held its shaft.

" What the fuck are you doing!!" He shouted.

Travis stood straight, Ian looked at Travis's eyes and was completely frozen in fear. It was as if Travis was death himself standing right infront of him. Staring into those dark abys eyes he felt as if time was moving quickly yet just a second had passed. Suddenly he felt himself being punched in the face but a powerful fist. Travis's fist dented his face as it left a mark of its form. Ian crashed into the walls behind him completely shattering where he landed.


The axe in Travis's hand slowly began to freeze him. He quickly dropped it and wiggled his hand around while blowing it.

' Damn i forgot that I shouldn't touch a person's soul weapon. Well that doesn't matter,  this match is already over anyways' 

Ian fell to the ground after getting unattached to the wall. He was completely passed out which solidified Travis's win.

" Travis has Won this match!"

Sounds of loud cheers filled the coliseum. The teachers who were watching from a room above were astounded by Travis's strength. Well except the people who were already teaching him.

" That Travis is really a power house. Did any of you find his background?" Frank asked.

Everyone stayed silent which meant they knew nothing.

" Well it doesn't matter. We'll report this to the Chairlady when she arrives from her mission. When is she coming back again?" David asked.

" Tomorrow if there aren't any delays." Samantha answered.

" Good , now  let's see how the Kingdoms heir will perform"

A person was sitting quietly in the room as he stared at Travis on the monitor. His eyes flashed for a second releasing a bit of intent that went unnoticed to everyone.

Travis who was ready to enter the tunnel felt the intent as he looked up at the camera with a smirk on his face. This surprised the teachers who wondered how Travis could detect them.

" Wow he really is strong. Maybe a little too strong. "  the man said with his deep voice.

Everyone turned to him in wonder. Since this man was not one to speak during any type of meeting.

" Admiral are you impressed by my student?" Samantha asked.

" Yess I am very much impressed. I might just take him under my wing" after he said that he dissappeared into the shadows.

' I won't let you do that if it's the last thing i do' Samantha said.

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