Chapter 2

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There wasn’t suppose to be anymore to this story, but I was requested to continue this and so we do have a second chapter.


Peter sat in his room with his ear pressed to the door, he was trying to listen in to hear what Arthur was telling his father. Neither Berwald nor his partner, Tino, were very happy when the boy came home. They had both been very worried when they couldn’t find Peter. Which would explain why he was currently in his room.

Arthur had at the very least been kind of enough to keep the lad over at America’s for the night so that he wouldn’t get two spankings so soon. That didn’t make Peter feel any better, as it was his butt was still sore. That slipper hurts a lot!

Peter could hear Arthur explaining everything, at least these doors weren’t as thick as it was at the meeting.

Speaking of, Arthur was just in the middle of explaining that. “He gave everyone quite a scare, that idiot America thought it was a ghost.”

Tino chucked, “I can imagine.”

“Everyone calmed down once they saw that it was him.” Arthur continued. “I was just going to lecture him, until he started back talking.”

Tino wasn’t laughing anymore, “We’ve been having trouble with him in those regards as well.”

“While I was giving the naughty little nipper the spanking that he was in need of,” Arthur seemed to hesitate with the next part of the story. “He, um, called me a bastard.”

“What!” Tino said shocked. “Where did he even hear that?”

“I’m not really sure,” Arthur didn’t sound too happy. “He’s been around many of the other nations and they don’t exactly censor themselves.”

“True,” Tino said, seeing the logic. “Thank you England for bringing him back home.”

Peter noticed that Berwald hadn’t said anything yet, that was a bad sign. The boy reached around and rubbed his bottom, knowing that it was going to hurt much worst soon.

“Berwald, I did spank him.” Arthur said, making Peter blush even though he wasn’t in the room. “So don’t be too hard on him.”

“He’ll get what he deservers.” Berwald grumbled, not at all pleased to hear of his son’s newest antics.

Peter knew that tone of voice, that meant that his father was really angry. The boy had heard enough, he crawled into bed with his stomach in knots.

His fingers searched for a toy to cling onto for comfort. Finding the nearest stuff animal, a dog that vaguely resembled Hana, he held it tightly. Peter felt sorry for what he had done the day before, he didn’t want anyone to be mad at him anymore.


Tino knew that Berwald wasn’t in a very good mood, and it wasn’t just because of Peter. The nation was currently suffering from a slight economic decline, and as a result was being pressured at work a lot. Tino did all he could to help is lover, short of giving him the money that is. The Swedish man wouldn’t accept the money unless he thought that he couldn’t fix it himself.

“Sorry about this all,” Arthur said awkwardly.

Tino smiled slightly, he knew that the Brit really did care about the child and didn’t like seeing him in trouble anymore than they did. “It’s not your fault, we don’t shoot the messagers around here.”

“Well, then I must be going,” Arthur said. “Alfred said that there was something he needed help with.”

“Goodbye,” Berwald said roughly. For both of the other men, that meant it was final.

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