Chp 1 electra weasley

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Right after the (4th) sorting feast Harry Went to the ror

Harry : Elly

Electra : hi Har

Harry : I missed You why don't you let me write to you

Electra : The reason is I'm not Electra primrose I'm Electra Weasley Older sister of your friend Ron

Harry : why has he never told me about you though arnt you a slytherin

Electra : yes I am a slytherin because They told me not to go in Gryffindor so I choose Slytherin he does not know me Tomorrow Can you bring My brothers Gred forge and Ron

Harry : ok el

Electra and Harry hug and say goodbye

At Gryffindor common room

Harry : Ron Gred Forge

Ron : yeah mate

Twins : Yes harrykins

Harry : someone Wants to meet ye tomorrow so follow me after lunch tomorrow oh and Gred Forge can you stay

Harry pulls out the map

Fred : why did

George : you bring out

Fred : the marauders Map

George : do you not

Fred : need it anymore

Harry : no I swear I'm up to no good

Fred : prongs Padfoot

George : Moony and wormtail

Harry pulls out his two way mirror

Harry : Sirius Black

Fred : the Death eater

Sirius : I'm not a death eater I'm innocent

George : harrykins

Fred : why did

George : you call him

Harry : hi uncle padfoot

Sirius : Hiya Harry Who are they

Harry : The Weasley twins

Sirius : Make sure they don't tell prewett

Harry : You never told me Why You call Molly that

Sirius : Harry not now after they leave I will

Fred : Why did you call black Padfoot

Harry : Here Is Padfoot
(While pointing at Padfoot on map)

Twins : we are not worthy to be in your presence

Sirius : Prongslet

George : prongslet ? Son of prongs harry

Fred : James potter prongs Marauder

Sirius : harry say Marau Reve

Harry : marau Reve

It revels names

Star, Ginger, Red, nigreos, griseo, bleue, rouge, snake and ambi

HPFWGW : Sirius who are those names

Sirius : Star Is andromeda Lupin neé Black ginger is Arthur Weasley Red is Lily evans Nigreos Is bella potter neé black griseo is narcissa evans neé black Bleue is Alice longbottom neé prewett Rouge is Frank longbottom Snake is Cyrus And sneaky is Elizabeth

Harry : what is cryus and Elizabeth's last name

Sirius : greengrass

Twins : the Ice Queen of Slytherins parents

Sirius : I advise Ye to go to gringotts Ask Minnie head of your house if ye can go

Harry : bye uncle Padfoot

Twins : Bye Padfoot

Sirius : bye prongslett and twins

Fred : call me Niff

George : and me iffer

They go to professor Mcgonagalls office and knock on the door

Mcgonagall : come in

Harry : hello professor Mcgonagall we are here to ask if we can go to gringotts tomorrow from 2-6:30  we might bring one other person

Mcgonagall : of course come at 2

Harry : Goodbye

At Gryffindor Common room

Harry : see you tomorrow Niff and iffer

Twins : you to prongslet

477 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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