~: The Endearment :~

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☯️ Daniel ☯️

The sunray came peeping through the glasses and fell directly over my face. I turned over with a grunt and opened my eyes slightly when my gaze fell over the iPad screen. There was an email from The Genovese Company. I got up from the bed and went straight to the shower. When I came out, my mobile was vibrating with a notification.

My Roisinn.

A smile took over my face which turned into a frown instantly. I sighed at the sight.
" It's going to be a long day." - I said and walked out of my bedroom.

👑 Victor 👑

I woke up with a frown after finding the space beside me empty. She must have woken up early. Memories of last night brought a smile to my face. I went out of the room only to find a note plastered over the top of the kitchen island.


I crumbled the paper in rage and went inside took my phone and called my manager.
"Bring Simon to me." - I growled and cut the call, taking my shirt and trousers, changed and left.

🖤 Lillith 🖤

I walked down the streets of Rome. My mind was stuck with everything from the last day. The murder of Alexander Lucas, Victor's sudden outburst on my job, the phone call, our little make-out session, and last but not least -
I stayed awake all night trying to procure details but all I could find is that the company supplies hospital equipment and is trustee to a large number of hospitals all around the
globe. But I knew quite well that this was not all because the phone call seemed otherwise.
And what does Victor have to do with any of these?

I was pondering over my thoughts when a black limousine drove right in front of me.
The driver screeched the brake.
A door opened and a man clad in a black suit came out.

"Tutto bene signora?" [Are you alright, ma'am?] -The man asked me with a concerned look.
"Si, sto bene."[Yes, I'm fine] - I whispered in a trance.
"Sono richiesto da qualche parte con urgenza. Ecco perche stavo guidando veloce. Sostanzialmente, le strade rimangono vote a questor. Mi displace di non averti visto arrivare." [ I am required somewhere urgently. That's why I was driving fast. The streets remain empty at this hour. I'm sorry I didn't see you coming.] - The chauffeur stated.
"Va bene. Comunque e stata colpa mia. Averi dovuto stare piu attento."[All right. However, it was my fault. I should have been more careful.] - I assured, smiling a bit.
"Buona gironata signora. E mi dispiace, ancora." [Good day lady, and I'm sorry again] - The chauffeur said sincerely.
" Buona giornata anche a te."[ Good day to you too.] - I replied and walked past him unaware of the person sitting inside the car.

The man got inside the car with a grim face and sat behind the steering wheel; afraid to look back.
"Sta bene, Capo." [Everything's fine, Boss] - He admitted, his voice trembling.
"Tieni I tuoi dannati occhi sulla strada o la prossima cosa che vedrai non-Sara niente."[Keep your damn eyes on the road or the next thing you see will be nothing.] - The man growled and took his phone, calling a number.


Are you alright?” He asked.
“ Yes. I’m good. Why?”
“ Nothing. Just an intuition.” He smiled. “Take care.

I rounded the corner only to bump into someone.
“Watch where you going dude.!” —I shrieked, not knowing who it was.
"Grumpy in the very morning? That’s rude.”
I looked up to see Daniel smirking.

“ And good morning to you too.” He said.
“ What are you doing here?”
“ Trip down the memory lane,” He grinned “ I can’t say that. I barely got a chance to grow here. So, just a casual walk.” I hummed in reply. Daniel took a look over me.
My hair was tied in a top messy bun, strands of hair falling over my ears. I was wearing a black crop shirt paired with black slacks black sock boots and a black leather jacket casually thrown over my shoulder.
“ If you’re done gawking at me, shall we carry on?” —I teased and walked past him, moving ahead.
“ Don’t I pay you enough that you’ve to walk all the way here? Need a pay raise?”— He taunted walking alongside me.
“ I would rather prefer a Mercedes."
"Which one?"
"A Maybach S-class maybe." — I smirked.

Walking together into the building brought us a lot of stares but Daniel didn’t mind and I couldn't care less. We went inside the elevator and as soon as the door closed I started counting. My whole body stiffened and Daniel felt that.
" Are you claustrophobic?” He asked and I nodded.
Daniel walked towards me and held my arm, trying not to scare me. I looked at him with concerned eyes mouthing that I was fine but that didn’t stop Daniel. The moment he was going to pull me in a hug, the elevator door opened and a few employees walked in. Daniel moved and stood behind me making sure.

The moment the elevator started I felt two warm hands around my waist. I could feel Daniel’s breath on my neck and lust took over me. I suppressed a gasp when Daniel’s hands went inside my shirt. The moment his hand made contact with my skin, goosebumps rippled all over my epidermis. Daniel pulled me back a little and started to make small
circles on my skin. I tipped my head back lightly on the crooks of his neck. I never realized my body would react like this after coming in contact with this man. I was floating in that sensation when Daniel started nibbling my ears. I suppressed my moans, trying hard to maintain my posture, but the situation demanded otherwise.

Just then the elevator door clicked open and all the employees went out; letting the doors close behind them. I turned around. For a moment I was disoriented by the feeling of being so close to someone else. Daniel’s index finger was under my chin, tilting my face up, and then we were kissing. I heard a small hitching gasp coming from my
throat and then our mouths were pressed together with a sort of controlled urgency. Daniel’s lips were soft, and he parted mine expertly; exploring my mouth: a symphony of lips, teeth and tongue.

My hands slid around his neck and then towards his chest; touching the strip of bare skin I'd been trying to avoid looking before. Daniel jerked with surprise, then relaxed. His mouth left mine and I felt the hot pressure of his lips on my throat, sucking the skin where it’s sensitive that it seemed directly connected to the bones of my leg; which were about to give out. Just before I was going to slide to the floor, Daniel let me go. His eyes were shining and so was my mouth.

“ It’s gonna be a long day, love."


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