Chapter 11

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Chanhee let out a sighed as he saw who was making their way to his lunch table. "Chanhee dear, how are you?" Mincha sing-song as she sat next to the pink haired boy. "What do you want Mincha?" Chanhee asked with an annoyed expression as he rested his head on his hand.

"I didn't see you at the party? Where did you run after to?" Mincha pouted annoyingly as she tried to cling onto Chanhee's arm, but failed as Chanhee moved away from her. He saw Younghoon making his way over with a look in his eyes, almost telling the younger to speak up for himself.

With a sigh, Chanhee faced the girl and said what he truly felt about the girl. "Mincha, I don't like you. I never liked you and I never will. And to be honest, I don't even like girls in general, I don't have feelings for you nor any girl or guy here. So please for the love of Irene, leave me the fuck alone." Chanhee said as he got up, taking his tray with him out the door.

Everyone in the cafeteria was watching the two as if it was a scene from a movie. "Hello!? What are you guys staring at!?" Mincha exclaimed as she got up and walked away from the table with a stomp in her step. Everyone going back to doing their own thing.

Chanhee sighed as he sat on the bunch next to a tree in the courtyard. "Good job back there, that was very brave of you." A voice said as they sat next to Chanhee with a sigh of relief. Chanhee looked over to see Changmin next to him, he smiled softly at the presence of the other before laughing softly.

"Thanks, I had a little encouragement from my friend. And plus, I was getting tired of not standing up for myself." Chanhee said as he looked forward. "So, is it true? That you don't like girls?" Changmin asked curiously as he looked towards the pink haired boy. "I just had a feeling that I wasn't meant to date girls. I also tried kissing one, didn't like it." Chanhee said as he started to laugh lightly and looked up towards the sky before back down to his hands.

He sighed as he began to play with his fingers, "but I always wondered what it'll feel like to fall in love with someone." Chanhee said as he sighed deeply. "I feel you. It's not everyday you find yourself falling for someone. That someone has to be a perfect fit for you. You know what I mean?" Changmin said as he looked towards the other and waited for his answer.

Chanhee nodded with a 'hummed' as he did know what Changmin was talking about. "I understand. There's not many people that fits what you are looking for. But I'm sure the one I'm looking for is somewhere out there." Chanhee said as he turned towards the other with a soft smile. Changmin smiled back just as softly.

"Let me take you somewhere." Changmin said with a cheeky tone and stood up as he held out his hand. Chanhee looked at him like he was crazy, which would be a good look to give him because Changmin was indeed crazy;

But for the right reasons.

"Are you crazy?! We still have school to attend!" Chanhee exclaimed with huge hand gestures. "As always, still the school's angel. Come on." Changmin said as he took hold of Chanhee's hand and dragged him off school grounds. "This is insane?! What will I tell my mom if she finds out?! I can't tell her that I left school with a boy who wanted to take me somewhere! That's ridiculous! Oh god, I'm so-"

"Going to shut up. Everything will be fine and I promise you, your mom will never find out. I'm here with you." Changmin said as he rested his hands on Chanhee's shoulders and looked deep into the older's eyes. "Now hop on." Changmin said as he got on a motorcycle. Chanhee froze up at the sight of the bike.

"No way am I getting on that death trap. If there's one thing that I hate more than spiders, it's motorcycles!" Chanhee said as he began to shake up out of fear. Changmin laughed lightly at the other's craziness before getting off the bike and taking Chanhee's hand. "Everything is going to be fine, I'm here with you. Just hold on tight." Changmin said as he got on again and helped Chanhee on.

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