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"Choose." Said the girl across the room from me. I looked up from my battered chains which hung around my neck and wrapped my wrists. Sitting in front of me were two platters. I stepped two steps to the one on the left which was the extent of the chains on my ankle. When I opened the top a rush of warmth came over me. I saw my grandma and great grandparents. I even saw faces from the old pictures from my family history project. They welcomed me. Just as I was about to pull my grandma into a hug it all went away. I was back were I started- next to the girl with no face in the beaten down log cabin. "Choose." She repeated. I took off the top of the platter on the right and u saw my sisters and my parents. They greeted me with a causal hello honey or sis. Like this was just a hi kind of thing. No biggie to them. I opened my mouth to say hi when I was back where I started again. "Choose" said the girl, sounding a little irritated. So I chose. I chose-
Sorry for the short chapter guys. It's not supposed to be that long because it is a vision. Planning on updating soon!


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