Chapter 2 - The True Noona

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Me and Gaeul were inside the nearest store struggling to agree on what to get the members for food.

Y/n: Ramyeon?

Gaeul: Hmm~ I don't know. Should we focus on snacks first?

She looked at me with her hand resting on her cheek while her head was tilted to the side.

Y/n: Would we be able to decide on snacks noona?

Gaeul: A lot easier. We get what we want and then we focus on our- the kids. Well Yujin is older than you but you get what I mean.

I didn't realise it but I was blushing looking at her. I don't know what it was she was cute and sexy yet was extremely caring towards not only me but all of the members. I watched her as she walked away to the snack isle pushing the shopping cart. I followed behind her not really watching my surroundings as I was bumped and stumbled from being hit in the side by an elderly couples cart.

Old Man: Yah! Watch where you are going you little thug!

Y/n: I-I'm sor-

Old Women: Even in our old age we are more aware of our surroundings!

Y/n: I'm really so-

Old Women: You should be beaten for being so absentminded!

I was worried about the situation people were looking in my direction making me more nervous until my hand was held softly as Gaeul appeared at my side.

Gaeul: I'm sorry what happened?

Old Women: Your stupid boyfriend wasn't paying attention and walked in front of us!

Gaeul: So you hit him with your cart?

Old Women: Yes!

Gaeul: Then how is he at fault? I'm really sorry ma'am but I can't see the problem these things happen. We will be going now.

She gently tugged my hand and lead me away from the situation.

Y/n: Sorry noona...

Gaeul: Don't be. They seemed like meanies anyway. Now pick out some snacks "boyfriend".

Y/n: P-Please don't tease me like that.

I was blushing deeply now and she was loving it. We managed to settle on snacks and food that should last us a week. However I know how much Yujin and Wonyoung can eat. The full way back me and Gaeul kept talking about our trainee lives and how we think improve when we debut. When we got back to the dorm we put the food and snacks away. I headed back to my room and begun to change when I stopped realizing that there was a lump in my bed that just so happened to have Yujins head looking out of the top with a strange smile.

Y/n: Why are you here?

Yujin: Y/n when did you get buff?

Y/n: Answer my question Yujin.

Yujin: I wanted to play with you but you weren't here. I know you have a console we played a lot together before I debuted.

Y/n: Why would I have it here now?

Yujin: I don't know.

Y/n: Its still at home I'm going tomorrow to get my stuff.

Yujin: Can I come?

Y/n: Don't you need to get your own stuff?

Yujin: I want to meet your foster parents again they are like my second parents. Think about it they could be my future in laws.

Y/n: Whatever. Not tomorrow but when we get a day off after that sure I'll take you and Wonyoung to see them.

Yujin: Ok~

All of a sudden the door opened and Gaeul was stood holding the covers for my bed. We had just bought them as all the beds were without any. She didn't say a word as she scanned the situation before her. Gaeul then walked into the room closing the door behind her and gently placing the bed covers onto my bed before taking a deep breathe.

Gaeul: Do you have a condom?

Yujin: W-What!?

Gaeul: Well aren't you going to...yknow do it?

Y/n: No! We aren't doing anything like that noona!

Yujin: Me? And Y/n?

Gaeul: Are you lying? I don't mind if you two are going to...Its just we have kids in the house so be quiet and lock the door.

Y/n: Noona we really weren't going to do that!

Gaeul: Then why are you shirtless? It seems like I was interrupting.

Y/n: I came into MY room to change and for some reason Yujin was in my bed.

Yujin: I was waiting for you two to get back. I wanted to spend time with Y/n.

Gaeul: Ok. Well Y/n hurry up and get changed then come help me with dinner. Yujin out while he changes. After all you can't be cheating on me already can you Y/n?

Yujin: Wait what!?

Y/n: *Sigh* An old couple called me her "boyfriend" and she's been teasing me about it since.

Date: 20/06/2021

Since we moved in together we had special practices that were just us and a choreographer. It wasn't like normal training it was a lot harder and tougher. Even right now we were given only a ten minute break after a four hour session. I was laid on the floor with Wonyoung on my left and Rei on my right while the other four were sat around us.

Wonyoung: My legs hurt~

Y/n: Aren't you used to this?

Wonyoung: This is worse than IZONEs training.

Rei: Why is it so intense?

Gaeul: I don't think its too bad.

Y/n: Yah noona. I get that you are a crazy good dancer but who does your little body have so much stamina?

My side was pinched causing me to flinch and move to react.

Gaeul: Don't call me little. You are all just tall. But you aren't a bad dancer either "boyfriend"

Y/n: Ah! Don't start that again noona!

Date: 14/07/2021

Leeseo: Wake up oppa!

My eyes shot open and I looked at her holding my chest.

Y/n: W-What was that for?

Leeseo: Well I tried to wake you up nicely but you wouldn't get up.

Y/n: Why did you get me up anyway? Its our day off practice.

Leeseo: Gaeul unnie made breakfast. We also wanted to go to the beach for the day.

Liz: You aren't allowed to say no!

I looked to my doorway to see Liz sticking her head into the room with a bright smile.

Y/n: Yeah yeah I'm getting up.

What I didn't think about was that I slept shirtless and when I sat up the blanket rolled down my body for both girls to see my shirtless chest making them blush and leave the room.

Y/n: What do I smell?

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