•meeting you.

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-nothing really just fluff.

Meeting you
Mazzi x reader oneshot⭐️

-YOUR POV-I just got to my new school in Georgia

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I just got to my new school in Georgia. I also made a friend,her name was jade and she has this cute brother named mazzi. I've had a crush on him for a while but I was never good at hiding it. The next day at school I met up with jade. " hey y/n! Omg, I love your outfit today!" Jade says smiling at me. "Thanks jade! it took forever to find a match." I say dramatically. even tho me and jade had age differences, we still liked eachother and hanged. While we were talking mazzi came over. "Jade, Dad just texted me and told me you had a hair appointment today at 3:00 so get ready?" Mazzi read the message in confusion. "Hey y/n." Mazzi says looking at me with a pleasing smile. "Oh! U-uh hey mazzi." I said stuttering a little. "Hey I wanted to ask if you would like to get ice cream, after school?" He says with a confidence face. "Of course!" I said excited. "alright see you later!" He says walking away. "Ong jade!!! He asked me out!" I said jumping. "Yes girl! I'm proud of you!"

this was 213 words so I hoped you enjoyed!

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