wtf mammon

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Mammon woke up to feel Satan holding his waist he looked at his phone and checked the time. "It's three thirty...RAD don't end till five forty-three." Mammon says to himself and he looks at Satan "Satan... it's time to wake up.." Mammon says softly and Satan wakes up and rubs his eyes. Mammon and Satan look at each other before giggling at the way both of their hair looked then they both got up and fixed each other's hair

After the two fixed their hair Mammon looks through his small wardrobe "Satan see anythin ya like? I can spare some stuff" Satan just stared at Mammon "You don't have. as many clothes as I thought you did" Mammon giggled and put on some clothes. then tossed satan some librarian-style clothes and Mammon had emo-style clothes on.

Mammon and Satan decided to go out and walk the streets and they walked and walked until they both reached a cat cafe "Mammon. Let us go in there." Satan says with a sparkle in his eyes. "Satan..." "Mammon." Mammon shakes his head "No" "But Big brother mammy" This struck a nerve in Mammon. and tears rolled down his face he then hugged satan tight to his chest then Mammon and Satan went in and ordered before signing an adoption paper for a small kitten. that the wrathful demon wanted. and the greedy demon gave in to his younger brother's pleas for the kitten. when they left the blonde demon smiled as he held the kitten in his arms as the white-haired demon sighed and smiles happily as long as his younger brother was happy

when they snuck into the house of lamentation the two brothers went to the fourth oldest's room and played with the kitten "Tan." "Mams" "Ya do know this little guy gotta come with me right" Satan frowned "Your right... I don't want him to go tho" Satan says sadly then the door was heard being opened. and the white-haired demon took the kitten and hid on the second floor of the blonde demon's room. and the third oldest knocks on the door of the room "Satan. We got food hurry up and come eat before Beel eats it all" Leviathan says and the blonde demon looks at his older brothers hiding spot and left the room closing the door

Mammon was now playing with the kitten but then the kitten meowed so loud that Mammon jumped. it is a demon kitten mammon had forgotten that it was a demon. so he switched hiding spots. meanwhile, it was awkward at the dinner table. nobody talked. just. pure. silence. the demons and human are uncomfortable with the silence...the silence was loud. too loud. until they heard a loud meow. the fourth oldest gripped his utensil and then put it down before bolting to his room. in a panic. and a door slam was heard. "Mammon! Mama Mams!" The blonde male whisper shouted. then the white-haired male fell from the chandelier with the kitten on his back.

Satan tries to hold in his laughter and then he bursts out laughing "YOU- YOU HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Shut up satan." Satan just laughed harder and harder. and Mammon just narrowed his eyes at satan who was just laughing Mammon got up before towering over satan and satan feels intimidated and stopped laughing and was just intimidated by Mammon towering over him. satan just goes into a corner as Mammon still towers over him. 

"Mama Mams. please stop-" But Mammon just stared at satan who curled unto a ball. being covered by Mammon's shadow then Asmodeus and Lucifer come in "Satan~!/Satan." "We are about to g-...." "We are gonna g-!....." They just see satan whimpering as Mammon towers over him "Mammon stop I'm sorry bro" Mammon's sapphire eyes glow as Satan whimpers out of fear "Bro stop towering over me." Mammon didn't even blink he just stares no blinking. just a blank stare. with dull glowing eyes

Eventually, Mammon smiles and satan just screams 

Later that day

Mammon was at the castle just having a staring contest with Diavolo. And he felt creeped out by Mammon not moving. just. staring. wide dull blue eyes. piercing through low dull golden eyes. then diavolo blinks and Mammon giggles and laughs. "Mammon when you stare it's so creepy." "oh so that's why satan screamed when I towered over him when it came to me staring at him while towering at him" 

mammon and his bros (previously THIS NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED) Where stories live. Discover now