Everything You Never Knew About Disciple Making Movement

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Disciple Making Movement (DMM) is a term used to describe a type of Christian evangelism and discipleship that focuses on making disciples who make disciples. DMM is characterized by its emphasis on rapid multiplication, simple reproducible methods, and empowering ordinary believers to share their faith and disciple others.

 DMM is characterized by its emphasis on rapid multiplication, simple reproducible methods, and empowering ordinary believers to share their faith and disciple others

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Here are some interesting things you may not have known about Disciple Making Movement:

DMM is not a new concept: The idea of disciple-making movements has been around since the early days of Christianity. Jesus Himself modeled this approach by pouring into His disciples and empowering them to make more disciples. The early church also used this model to rapidly spread the Gospel throughout the world.

DMM emphasizes obedience-based discipleship: In DMM, discipleship is not just about learning information or attending classes. Instead, it is about learning to obey Jesus and His commands, and passing that obedience on to others. This approach prioritizes actions over words, and focuses on building a culture of obedience to Christ.

DMM emphasizes prayer and reliance on the Holy Spirit: DMM practitioners place a strong emphasis on prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit. They believe that the Holy Spirit is the one who empowers them to make disciples and bring others into the Kingdom of God.

DMM is often associated with simple, reproducible methods: DMM practitioners often use simple, reproducible methods to train and equip new believers to make disciples. These methods can include Bible storytelling, Discovery Bible Study, and other simple approaches that can be easily replicated by anyone, regardless of their education or background.

DMM has been successful in many parts of the world: DMM has been particularly successful in parts of the world where traditional approaches to evangelism and discipleship have not been effective. For example, DMM has seen significant growth in countries such as China, India, and some parts of Africa.

DMM has its critics: While DMM has been successful in many contexts, it also has its critics. Some have criticized DMM for its focus on rapid multiplication at the expense of deep discipleship, while others have expressed concern about the potential for manipulation and abuse in DMM settings.

Overall, DMM represents a unique and innovative approach to evangelism and discipleship, with a strong emphasis on obedience-based discipleship, prayer, and simplicity. While there are certainly challenges and criticisms associated with this approach, there is no doubt that it has had a significant impact in many parts of the world. Visit us: https://catalyticministries.com/

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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